Hello, ny English name is Alan. I hope you enjoy my projects and further what I have done in the future.
There are several folders may help you.
1. You can look at the photos and two short videos first. This may give you basic idea what the chair and foot plate
can do and brief layout for the hardware part.
2. And then you look at the PDF version of document (Final), this gives the details about my project. In this pdf, it illustrates
how the wireless network is built up, what hardwares I use, how the software works, what I achieve in this summer
project and what kinds of the future work you can implement. (ps: I also upload the word document version, which may help you in future)
3. The layout and flow chart is not very clear in pdf. You may need to see the clear picture in two folders (layout and process of flow charts). I
use yEd Graph Editor software package to draw them (you may need to download it to open files).
4. The file "Connection with MCUs" would show you which pins are connected in the three arduino microcontrollers.
5. There are 3 arduino codes for leftarmrest, rightarmrest and foot plate respectively. I commented all the codes and hope you understand it.
6. Finally, there are useful testing results in Experiment folder. (ps: I also upload the PLX-DAQ serial transmission files for you in serial communication folder)
If you have any questions, feel free to email me and I would reply you when I see it (jz6g17@soton.ac.uk).