@ojs1g14 Only a temporary fix at this point, need to run GUI script from its own folder. Best way to fix this will be distributing via pip. Let me know if it works for you
Moving AmpscanGUI to its own folder would work well for me - autodocs is struggling to document it so placing it outside of the ampscan folder would bypass the issue.
Hmm, I'm not sure why it's causing such problems. Maybe stick it in the .gitignore for the moment. Moving the file out of the folder may break everything else!
I updated the gitignore but this won't solve the issue - sphinx needs to be told specifically not to look at these files (even w/ gitignore, the original ampscangui.py is present). looking at how to do this now...
Ok, i've got the exclude pattern working - I'll chuck in all the GUI stuff for now. If there's anything in particular you don't want in the documentation just let me know and I'll add it. Should be able to go through the other functions now and get them presentable in the docs - initial commit shortly