Display iD next to ORCiD link and include doi links in an improved way
Should be referenced as so https://orcid.org/trademark-and-id-display-guidelines#02-b
DOI bibtex possibility: http://www.math.cmu.edu/~gautam/sj/blog/20171114-bibtex-doi.html
Should be referenced as so https://orcid.org/trademark-and-id-display-guidelines#02-b
DOI bibtex possibility: http://www.math.cmu.edu/~gautam/sj/blog/20171114-bibtex-doi.html
added Feature label
changed title from Display iD next to ORCiD link to Display iD next to ORCiD link and include doi links in an improved way
changed the description
Not necessary, current display works and is neat and fully explanatory. However it does not meet the brand guidelines so needs updating https://info.orcid.org/brand-guidelines/#general-brand-guidance
closed with commit b7e9f1c0