LaTeX Documents for the University of Southampton. Mainly for Thesis and project reports
For slides with Beamer, please see
## FAQ
#### Q: How do I include an "Accessed on", "Visited on", "Date last Accessed" or "Last visited" note for urls?
The bibliography is formatted by the `natbib` package that does not support the `urldate` field in `.bib` files.
As a work around, add a `note={Accessed on 2020-01-01}` to the relevant bib entry.
For more info see [this Stack Exchange question](
#### Q: How do I fix a bib entry with special characters (`&``%`)?
You may get an error like "Paragraph ended before \\BR@@bibitem was complete"
or there may be a cascade of errors because of an unclosed `\begin` statement.
The short term solution is to manually "escape" special characters in the `.bib` url fields,
i.e. `url = {}` => `url = {\%20report}`.
Unfortunately, the longer term solution requires editing some source files.
Locate the `plainnat.bst` (or `biblatex.bst` file, if using `biblatex`)
and add the following in the file at the end of `FUNCTION {begin.bib}`
write$ newline$
write$ newline$
Then add ``\newcommand{\BIBdecl}{\catcode`\%=12 }`` before `\begin{document}` in your `.tex` document source.