%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% GDPSummary.tex
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\documentclass[sotoncolour]{uosgdpsummary} % Use the GDP Summary Report Style with custom link colour
\graphicspath{{../Figures/}} % Location of your graphics files
\usepackage[round]{natbib} % Use Natbib style for the refs.
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true} % Set to false for black/white printing
\input{Definitions} % Include your abbreviations
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%% --------------------THESIS/DOC INFORMATION ---------------------
\faculty {Faculty of [Insert faculty]}
\FACULTY {\MakeUppercase{\facname}}
\department {School of [Insert school]}
\DEPARTMENT {\MakeUppercase{\deptname}}
\group {[Group name]}
\GROUP {\MakeUppercase{\groupname}}
\title {An Investigation into \dots}
\authors {\texorpdfstring
{\href{}{Name and email, for example, Sarah Alison Watson}}
{Name and email, for example, Sarah Alison Watson}
\addresses {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname}
\date {\today}
\supervisor {Mr Beavis}
\examiner {Dr Butthead}
\degree {Master of Engineering}
Edward Longman
%% Optional Fields TODO: Replace these fields with your own data
\qualifications{[Insert Previous Qualifications, for example MEng]}
\subject {}
\keywords {}
%% ------------------ FRONT MATTER ORGANISATION -------------------
%% ------------------ MAIN MATTER (CONTENT) --------------------
\section*{Approaching the task}
\section*{Team Organisation}
\section*{Important Results}
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------