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%% Project.tex
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\documentclass[sotoncolour]{uosproject}     % Use the Project Style with custom link colour
\graphicspath{{../Figures/}}   % Location of your graphics files
\usepackage{natbib}            % Use Natbib style for the refs.
\usepackage{bibentry}          % Use bibentry for prepublished works
\nobibliography*               % Use bibentry for prepublished works
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true}   % Set to false for black/white printing
\input{Definitions}            % Include your abbreviations
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%% --------------------THESIS/DOC INFORMATION ---------------------
\title      {An Investigation into \dots}
\authors    {\texorpdfstring
             {\href{}{Steve R. Gunn}}
             {Steve R. Gunn}
\addresses  {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname}
\date       {\today}
\supervisor {Mr Beavis}
\examiner   {Dr Butthead}
\degree     {BEng Electronic Engineering}
%% Optional Fields
\subject    {}
\keywords   {}

%% ------------------ FRONT MATTER ORGANISATION -------------------
This work is all about \dots
%% The List of listings does not, by default, appear in the ToC, so....
\addtotoc{List of Listings}
%% Either include citations like below (as many as required spaced with commas or 'and').
%% \bibentry command must be used here with prepublished papers
\authorshipdeclaration{\bibentry{Gunn:2001:pdflatex}, \bibentry{Lovell:2011:updated} and \bibentry{Gunn:2011:updated2}}
%% Or state no citations like below
%% \authorshipdeclaration{}
%% -----------------------
\acknowledgements{Thanks to no one.}
\dedicatory{To \dots}
%%Lightweight Definitions and Abbreviations see package:nomencl for alternative
\listofsymbols{ll}{$w$ & The weight vector}
%% ------------------ MAIN MATTER (CONTENT) --------------------
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Without a title it doesn't appear in the table]
This is a test listing

It has several lines
say not much at all
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