threshold:100# requests have increased by at least 100
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ topology_template:
threshold:-100# requests have decreased by at least 100
@@ -224,7 +226,7 @@ the format is still the same for consistency. Therefore, using `<measurement>.*`
***threshold** -
* for **threshold** event type, this is the critical value the queried metric is compared to.
* for **relative** event type, this is the critical value the difference (between the current metric value and the past metric value) is compared to.
* for **relative** event type, this is the critical value the difference (between the current aggregated metric value and the past aggregated metric value) is compared to.
* for **deadman** event type, this is the critical value the number of measurement points (received in InfluxDB) is compared to.
***granularity** - period in seconds
@@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ the format is still the same for consistency. Therefore, using `<measurement>.*`
* for **deadman** event type, this value specifies how long the span in time (in which the number of measurement points are checked) is
***aggregation_method** - the function to use when querying InfluxDB, e.g. median, mean, etc. This value is only used when
the event_type is set to **threshold**.
the event_type is set to **threshold** or **relative**.
***resource_type** - provides context for the given event - key-value pairs for the global tags of the CLMC Information Model.
This includes any of the following: `"flame_sfp", "flame_sf", "flame_sfe", "flame_server", "flame_location"`.
@@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ result of the comparison operation is true, an alert is triggered. For example:
"neq" : "not equal"
***relative** - A relative event type is an alert in which Kapacitor computes the difference between the current value of a metric and the value
***relative** - A relative event type is an alert in which Kapacitor computes the difference between the current aggregated value of a metric and the aggregated value
reported a given period of time ago. The difference between the current and the past value is then compared against a given
threshold. If the result of the comparison operation is true, an alert is triggered. For example:
@@ -308,6 +310,7 @@ threshold. If the result of the comparison operation is true, an alert is trigge
threshold: -100
granularity: 120
aggregation_method: mean
flame_sfp: storage
flame_sf: storage-users
@@ -318,8 +321,8 @@ threshold. If the result of the comparison operation is true, an alert is trigge
- flame_sfemc
This trigger specification will create an alert task in Kapacitor, which compares every **requests** value reported in
measurement **storage** with the value received **120** seconds ago. If the difference between the current and the past
This trigger specification will create an alert task in Kapacitor, which compares the mean **requests** value reported in measurement **storage**
with the mean value received **120** seconds ago. If the difference between the current and the past
value is less than or equal to (comparison operator is **lte**) **-100**, an alert is triggered. Simply explained, an alert
is triggered if the **requests** current value has decreased by at least 100 relative to the value reported 120 seconds ago.
The queried value is contextualised for service function **storage-users** (using service function package **storage**)
@@ -329,6 +332,7 @@ threshold. If the result of the comparison operation is true, an alert is trigge
* **aggregation_method** is not required here - the alert task compares the actual value that's being reported (stream mode)
* if **aggregation_method** is provided, it will be ignored
* if X is the current timestamp, the current aggregated value refers to the period {X - granularity; X} while the past aggregated value refers to the period {X - 2*granularity; X - granularity}
***deadman** - A deadman event type is an alert in which Kapacitor computes the number of reported points in a measurement
for a given period of time. This number is then compared to a given threshold value. If less number of points have been
@@ -352,7 +356,7 @@ For example:
This trigger specification will create an alert task in Kapacitor, which monitors the number of points reported in
measurement **storage** and having tag **sfp** set as **storage**. This value is computed every 60 seconds.
If the number of reported points is less than **0** (no points have been reported for the last 60 seconds), an alert
If the number of reported points is less than or equal to **0** (no points have been reported for the last 60 seconds), an alert
will be triggered. Triggered alerts will be sent through an HTTP POST message to the URLs listed in the **implementation** section.