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Commit e6b42371 authored by Nikolay Stanchev's avatar Nikolay Stanchev
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Implements DELETE for alerts API

parent f3a9771b
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......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
A fixture to implement setUp/tearDown functionality for all tests by initializing configuration structure for the web service
self.registry = testing.setUp()
self.registry.add_settings({"kapacitor_host": "localhost", "kapacitor_port": 9092, "sfemc_fqdn": "sfemc.localhost", "sfemc_port": 8081})
self.config = testing.setUp()
self.config.add_settings({"kapacitor_host": "localhost", "kapacitor_port": 9092, "sfemc_fqdn": "sfemc.localhost", "sfemc_port": 8081})
......@@ -152,18 +152,23 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
Tests the POST API endpoint of the alerts configuration API responsible for receiving alerts specifications.
Test steps are:
* Traverse all valid TOSCA Alerts Specifications in the
src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/clmc-validator/valid and src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/tosca-parser/valid
* Sending a valid TOSCA Alert Specification to the view responsible for configuring Kapacitor
* Traverse all valid TOSCA Alerts Specifications and TOSCA Resource Specifications in the
src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/clmc-validator/valid and src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/tosca-parser/valid folders
* Send a valid TOSCA Alert Specification to the view responsible for configuring Kapacitor and creating alerts
* Check that Kapacitor alerts, topics and handlers are created with the correct identifier and arguments
* Check that the API returns the duplication errors if the same alerts specification is sent
:param app_config: fixture for setUp/tearDown of the web service registry
kapacitor_host = self.config.registry.settings["kapacitor_host"]
kapacitor_port = self.config.registry.settings["kapacitor_port"]
test_folder = "clmc-validator"
alerts_test_data_path = join(dirname(ROOT_DIR), *["resources", "tosca", "test-data", test_folder, "valid"])
resources_test_data_path = join(dirname(ROOT_DIR), *["resources", "tosca", "test-data", "resource-spec"])
# traverse through all files in the clmc-validator/valid folder (expected to be valid TOSCA alert specifications)
for alerts_test_file in listdir(alerts_test_data_path):
alert_spec_abs_path = join(alerts_test_data_path, alerts_test_file)
......@@ -172,6 +177,8 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
print("Testing file {0} in folder {1}".format(alerts_test_file, test_folder))
# the respective resource specification consistent with this alert spec. will have the same name, with "alerts"
# being replaced by "resources_valid" for valid spec or "resources_invalid" for invalid spec
valid_resources_test_file = alerts_test_file.replace("alerts", "resources_valid")
invalid_resources_test_file = alerts_test_file.replace("alerts", "resources_invalid")
valid_resource_spec_abs_path = join(resources_test_data_path, valid_resources_test_file)
......@@ -191,12 +198,13 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
except HTTPBadRequest:
pass # we expect this to happen
# reset the read pointer of the alert specification file since it was already read once
# then send a consistent resource spec
with open(valid_resource_spec_abs_path) as valid_resource_spec:
request = testing.DummyRequest()
sfc, sfc_instance, alert_ids, topic_handlers = extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec)
sfc, sfc_instance, alert_ids, topic_handlers = extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec, self.config.registry.settings["sfemc_fqdn"], self.config.registry.settings["sfemc_port"]) # reset the read pointer to the beginning again (the extraction in the previous step had to read the full file)
request.POST['alert-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(alerts_test_file, alert_spec) # a simple mock class is used to mimic the FieldStorage class
request.POST['resource-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(valid_resources_test_file, valid_resource_spec)
clmc_service_response = AlertsConfigurationAPI(request).post_alerts_specification()
......@@ -208,7 +216,7 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
# traverse through all alert IDs and check that they are created within Kapacitor
for alert_id, alert_type in alert_ids:
kapacitor_response = get("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{0}".format(alert_id))
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, alert_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 200, "Alert with ID {0} was not created - test file {1}.".format(alert_id, alerts_test_file)
kapacitor_response_json = kapacitor_response.json()
assert "link" in kapacitor_response_json, "Incorrect response from kapacitor for alert with ID {0} - test file {1}".format(alert_id, alerts_test_file)
......@@ -217,17 +225,15 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
assert kapacitor_response_json["type"] == alert_type, "Alert with ID {0} was created with the wrong type - test file {1}".format(alert_id, alerts_test_file)
# check that all topic IDs were registered within Kapacitor
topic_ids = list(topic_handlers.keys())
kapacitor_response = get("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics")
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 200, "Kapacitor couldn't return the list of created topics - test file {0}".format(alerts_test_file)
kapacitor_response_json = kapacitor_response.json()
kapacitor_defined_topics = [topic["id"] for topic in kapacitor_response_json["topics"]]
assert set(topic_ids).issubset(kapacitor_defined_topics), "Not all topic IDs were created within kapacitor - test file {0}".format(alerts_test_file)
# check that all handler IDs were created and each of them is subscribed to the correct topic ID
for topic_id in topic_handlers:
for topic_id in topic_handlers.keys():
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 200, "Topic with ID {0} was not created - test file {1}".format(topic_id, alerts_test_file)
kapacitor_response_json = kapacitor_response.json()
assert kapacitor_response_json["id"] == topic_id, "Topic {0} was created with incorrect ID - test file {1}".format(topic_id, alerts_test_file)
for handler_id, handler_url in topic_handlers[topic_id]:
kapacitor_response = get("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{0}/handlers/{1}".format(topic_id, handler_id))
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers/{3}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id, handler_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 200, "Handler with ID {0} for topic with ID {1} doesn't exist - test file {2}".format(handler_id, topic_id, alerts_test_file)
kapacitor_response_json = kapacitor_response.json()
assert kapacitor_response_json["id"] == handler_id, "Incorrect ID of handler {0} in the Kapacitor response - test file {1}".format(handler_id, alerts_test_file)
......@@ -247,7 +253,94 @@ class TestAlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
handlers_count = sum([len(topic_handlers[topic]) for topic in topic_handlers])
assert len(clmc_service_response["triggers_action_errors"]) == handlers_count, "Expected errors were not returned for handlers specification"
clear_kapacitor_alerts(alert_ids, topic_handlers)
clear_kapacitor_alerts(alert_ids, topic_handlers, kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port)
def test_alerts_config_api_delete(self, app_config):
Tests the DELETE API endpoint of the alerts configuration API responsible for deleting alerts specifications.
Test steps are:
* Traverse all valid TOSCA Alerts Specifications and TOSCA Resource Specifications in the
src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/clmc-validator/valid and src/service/clmcservice/resources/tosca/test-data/tosca-parser/valid folders
* Send a valid TOSCA Alert Specification to the view responsible for configuring Kapacitor and creating alerts
* Send a valid TOSCA Alert Specification to the view responsible for deleting the created alerts if they exist
* Check that all Kapacitor resources (task, topic, handler) have been deleted
:param app_config: fixture for setUp/tearDown of the web service registry
kapacitor_host = self.config.registry.settings["kapacitor_host"]
kapacitor_port = self.config.registry.settings["kapacitor_port"]
test_folder = "clmc-validator"
alerts_test_data_path = join(dirname(ROOT_DIR), *["resources", "tosca", "test-data", test_folder, "valid"])
resources_test_data_path = join(dirname(ROOT_DIR), *["resources", "tosca", "test-data", "resource-spec"])
# traverse through all files in the clmc-validator/valid folder (expected to be valid TOSCA alert specifications)
for alerts_test_file in listdir(alerts_test_data_path):
alert_spec_abs_path = join(alerts_test_data_path, alerts_test_file)
if not isfile(alert_spec_abs_path):
continue # skip directories
print("Testing file {0} in folder {1}".format(alerts_test_file, test_folder))
# the respective resource specification consistent with this alert spec. will have the same name, with "alerts"
# being replaced by "resources_valid" for valid spec or "resources_invalid" for invalid spec
resources_test_file = alerts_test_file.replace("alerts", "resources_valid")
resource_spec_abs_path = join(resources_test_data_path, resources_test_file)
print("Test uses resource spec. file {0}".format(resources_test_file))
with open(alert_spec_abs_path) as alert_spec:
alerts, handlers = extract_tosca_spec_data(alert_spec) # reset the read pointer to the beginning again (the extraction in the previous step had to read the full file)
_, _, alert_ids, topic_handlers = extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec, self.config.registry.settings["sfemc_fqdn"], self.config.registry.settings["sfemc_port"]) # reset the read pointer to the beginning again (the extraction in the previous step had to read the full file)
# send valid alert and resource spec to create the alerts to be deleted afterwards
with open(resource_spec_abs_path) as resource_spec:
request = testing.DummyRequest()
request.POST['alert-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(alerts_test_file, alert_spec) # a simple mock class is used to mimic the FieldStorage class
request.POST['resource-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(resources_test_file, resource_spec)
# now send the alert spec for deletion and check that everything is deleted in Kapacitor # reset the read pointer since the file has already been read once
request = testing.DummyRequest()
request.params['alert-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(alerts_test_file, alert_spec)
response = AlertsConfigurationAPI(request).delete_alerts_specification()
# assert the response is what's expected containing the deleted alerts and handlers
assert response.keys() == {"deleted_alerts", "deleted_handlers"}, "Incorrect response format"
assert sorted(response["deleted_alerts"], key=lambda x: x["trigger"]) == alerts, "Incorrect result for deleted alerts"
assert sorted(response["deleted_handlers"], key=lambda x: x["handler"]) == handlers, "Incorrect result for deleted handlers"
# ensure that these resource (tasks, topics, handlers) do not exist in Kapacitor anymore
# traverse through all alert IDs and check that they are deleted from Kapacitor
for alert_id, alert_type in alert_ids:
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, alert_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 404, "Alert with ID {0} was not deleted - test file {1}.".format(alert_id, alerts_test_file)
# check that all topic IDs were deleted from Kapacitor
for topic_id in topic_handlers.keys():
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 404, "Topic with ID {0} was not deleted - test file {1}".format(topic_id, alerts_test_file)
# check that all handler IDs were deleted from Kapacitor
for topic_id in topic_handlers:
for handler_id, handler_url in topic_handlers[topic_id]:
kapacitor_response = get("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers/{3}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id, handler_id))
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 404, "Handler with ID {0} for topic with ID {1} was not deleted - test file {2}".format(handler_id, topic_id, alerts_test_file)
# now send a second delete request to ensure that nothing else is deleted
with open(alert_spec_abs_path) as alert_spec:
request = testing.DummyRequest()
request.params['alert-spec'] = FieldStorageMock(alerts_test_file, alert_spec)
response = AlertsConfigurationAPI(request).delete_alerts_specification()
assert response == {"deleted_alerts": [], "deleted_handlers": []}, "Incorrect response after a second delete"
class FieldStorageMock(object):
......@@ -264,11 +357,14 @@ class FieldStorageMock(object):
self.file = file
def extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec):
def extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec, sfemc_fqdn, sfemc_port):
A utility function to extract the expected alert, handler and topic identifiers from a given alert specification.
A utility function to extract the expected alert, handler and topic identifiers (Kapacitor resources) from a given alert specification.
:param alert_spec: the alert specification file (file object)
:param sfemc_fqdn: FQDN of SFEMC
:param sfemc_port: port number of SFEMC
:return: a tuple containing sfc_id and sfc_instance_id along with a list and a dictionary of generated IDs (alert IDs (list), topic IDs linked to handler IDs (dict))
......@@ -301,7 +397,7 @@ def extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec):
for handler_url in trigger.trigger_tpl["action"]["implementation"]:
if handler_url == "flame_sfemc":
handler_url = "http://sfemc.localhost:8081/sfemc/event/{0}/{1}/{2}".format(sfc, policy_id, "trigger_id_{0}".format(version))
handler_url = "http://{0}:{1}/sfemc/event/{2}/{3}/{4}".format(sfemc_fqdn, sfemc_port, sfc, policy_id, "trigger_id_{0}".format(version))
handler_id = "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}".format(sfc, sfc_instance, policy_id, trigger_id, handler_url)
handler_id = AlertsConfigurationAPI.get_hash(handler_id)
......@@ -310,6 +406,36 @@ def extract_alert_spec_data(alert_spec):
return sfc, sfc_instance, alert_ids, topic_handlers
def extract_tosca_spec_data(alert_spec):
A utility function to extract the expected triggers and handlers (TOSCA resources) from a given alert specification.
:param alert_spec: the alert specification file (file object)
:return: a tuple containing a list of alert definitions (policy and trigger IDs) and a list of handler definitions (policy, trigger, handler)
yaml_alert_spec = load(alert_spec)
tosca_tpl = ToscaTemplate(yaml_dict_tpl=yaml_alert_spec)
alerts = [] # saves all alert definitions in a list
handlers = [] # saves all handler definitions in a list
for policy in tosca_tpl.policies:
policy_id =
for trigger in policy.triggers:
trigger_id =
alerts.append({"policy": policy_id, "trigger": trigger_id})
for handler_url in trigger.trigger_tpl["action"]["implementation"]:
handlers.append({"policy": policy_id, "trigger": trigger_id, "handler": handler_url})
return sorted(alerts, key=lambda x: x["trigger"]), sorted(handlers, key=lambda x: x["handler"])
def get_alert_type(event_type, alert_period):
Retrieve the alert type (stream ot batch) based on the event type and alert period.
......@@ -330,22 +456,24 @@ def get_alert_type(event_type, alert_period):
return events[event_type]
def clear_kapacitor_alerts(alert_ids, topic_handlers):
def clear_kapacitor_alerts(alert_ids, topic_handlers, kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port):
A utility function to clean up Kapacitor from the configured alerts, topics and handlers.
:param alert_ids: the list of alert IDs to delete
:param topic_handlers: the dictionary of topic and handlers to delete
:param kapacitor_host: Kapacitor hostname
:param kapacitor_port: Kapacitor port number
for alert_id, _ in alert_ids:
kapacitor_response = delete("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{0}".format(alert_id)) # delete alert
kapacitor_response = delete("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, alert_id)) # delete alert
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 204
for topic_id in topic_handlers:
for handler_id, handler_url in topic_handlers[topic_id]:
kapacitor_response = delete("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{0}/handlers/{1}".format(topic_id, handler_id)) # delete handler
kapacitor_response = delete("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers/{3}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id, handler_id)) # delete handler
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 204
kapacitor_response = delete("http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{0}".format(topic_id)) # delete topic
kapacitor_response = delete("http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id)) # delete topic
assert kapacitor_response.status_code == 204
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest
from pyramid.view import view_defaults, view_config
from yaml import load, YAMLError
from toscaparser.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate
from requests import post
from requests import post, get, delete
# CLMC-service imports
from clmcservice.alertsapi.utilities import adjust_tosca_definitions_import, TICKScriptTemplateFiller, fill_http_post_handler_vars, get_resource_spec_policy_triggers, get_alert_spec_policy_triggers
......@@ -88,11 +88,108 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
"topic_handlers_api_endpoint": "/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{0}/handlers".format(topic_id)
@view_config(route_name='alerts_configuration', request_method='DELETE')
def delete_alerts_specification(self):
The view for deleting alerts based on a TOSCA alerts specification document.
:return: a dictionary with the deleted alerts and handlers
:raises HTTPBadRequest: if the request doesn't contain a (YAML) file input referenced as alert-spec representing the TOSCA Alerts Specification
kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port = self.request.registry.settings['kapacitor_host'], self.request.registry.settings['kapacitor_port']
sfemc_fqdn, sfemc_port = self.request.registry.settings['sfemc_fqdn'], self.request.registry.settings['sfemc_port']
alert_spec_reference = self.request.params.get('alert-spec')
# check that the alerts specification file was sent
if not hasattr(alert_spec_reference, "file") or not hasattr(alert_spec_reference, "filename"):
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request to this API endpoint must include a (YAML) file input referenced as 'alert-spec' representing the TOSCA Alert Specification.")
# extract alert specification file and filename
alerts_input_filename = alert_spec_reference.filename
alerts_input_file = alert_spec_reference.file
if not (alerts_input_filename.lower().endswith('.yaml') or alerts_input_filename.lower.endswith('.yml')):
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request to this API endpoint must include a (YAML) file input referenced as 'alert-spec' representing the TOSCA Alerts Specification.")
# parse the alerts specification file
alerts_yaml_content = load(alerts_input_file)
except YAMLError as err:
log.error("Couldn't parse user request file {0} to yaml format due to error: {1}".format(alerts_input_filename, err))
log.error("Invalid content is: {0}".format(
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request alert specification file could not be parsed as valid YAML document.")
tosca_tpl = ToscaTemplate(yaml_dict_tpl=alerts_yaml_content)
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request alert specification file could not be parsed as a valid TOSCA document.")
valid_alert_spec = validate_clmc_alerts_specification(tosca_tpl.tpl)
if not valid_alert_spec:
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request alert specification file could not be validated as a CLMC TOSCA alerts specification document.")
# TODO next release - uncomment
# sfc, sfc_instance = tosca_tpl.tpl["metadata"]["sfc"], tosca_tpl.tpl["metadata"]["sfci"]
sfc = tosca_tpl.tpl["metadata"]["servicefunctionchain"]
sfc_instance = "{0}_1".format(sfc)
alerts = []
handlers = []
for policy in tosca_tpl.policies:
for trigger in policy.triggers:
event_id =
policy_id =
# generate topic and alert identifiers
topic_id = "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}".format(sfc, sfc_instance, policy_id, event_id) # scoped per service function chain instance (no two sfc instances report to the same topic)
topic_id = self.get_hash(topic_id)
task_id = topic_id
# delete alert task
kapacitor_api_task_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, task_id)
if get(kapacitor_api_task_url).status_code == 200:
alerts.append({"policy": policy_id, "trigger": event_id})
# get all alert handlers
kapacitor_api_topic_handlers_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id)
http_response = get(kapacitor_api_topic_handlers_url)
if http_response.status_code != 200:
continue # if the topic doesn't exist continue with the other triggers
# delete alert handlers
http_handlers = http_response.json()['handlers']
for handler in http_handlers:
original_http_handler_url = handler["options"]["url"]
if original_http_handler_url.startswith("http://{0}:{1}/".format(sfemc_fqdn, sfemc_port)):
original_http_handler_url = SFEMC
handler_id = handler["id"]
kapacitor_api_handler_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers/{3}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id, handler_id)
handlers.append({"policy": policy_id, "trigger": event_id, "handler": original_http_handler_url})
# delete alert topic
kapacitor_api_topic_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id)
return {"deleted_alerts": alerts, "deleted_handlers": handlers}
@view_config(route_name='alerts_configuration', request_method='POST')
def post_alerts_specification(self):
The view for receiving and configuring alerts based on the TOSCA alerts specification document. This endpoint must also receive the TOSCA resources specification document for validation.
:return: a dictionary with a msg and optional keys for errors encountered while interacting with Kapacitor
:raises HTTPBadRequest: if the request doesn't contain a (YAML) file input referenced as alert-spec representing the TOSCA Alerts Specification
......@@ -106,7 +203,7 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request to this API endpoint must include a (YAML) file input referenced as 'resource-spec' representing the TOSCA Resource Specification.")
resource_spec_sfc, resource_spec_sfc_i, resource_spec_policy_triggers = get_resource_spec_policy_triggers(resource_spec_reference)
resource_spec_sfc, resource_spec_sfc_instance, resource_spec_policy_triggers = get_resource_spec_policy_triggers(resource_spec_reference)
except Exception as e:
log.error("Couldn't extract resource specification event IDs due to error: {0}".format(e))
raise HTTPBadRequest("Couldn't extract resource specification event IDs - invalid TOSCA resource specification.")
......@@ -119,7 +216,7 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
alerts_input_filename = alert_spec_reference.filename
alerts_input_file = alert_spec_reference.file
if not alerts_input_filename.lower().endswith('.yaml'):
if not (alerts_input_filename.lower().endswith('.yaml') or alerts_input_filename.lower.endswith('.yml')):
raise HTTPBadRequest("Request to this API endpoint must include a (YAML) file input referenced as 'alert-spec' representing the TOSCA Alerts Specification.")
# parse the alerts specification file
......@@ -148,7 +245,7 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
sfc_instance = "{0}_1".format(sfc)
# do validation between the two TOSCA documents
self._compare_alert_and_resource_spec(sfc, sfc_instance, alert_spec_policy_triggers, resource_spec_sfc, resource_spec_sfc_i, resource_spec_policy_triggers)
self._compare_alert_and_resource_spec(sfc, sfc_instance, alert_spec_policy_triggers, resource_spec_sfc, resource_spec_sfc_instance, resource_spec_policy_triggers)
db = sfc # database per service function chain, named after the service function chain ID
......@@ -218,10 +315,10 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
:param resource_spec_policy_triggers: the extracted policy-trigger strings from the resource specification
:param alert_tasks_errors: the list for tracking errors while interacting with Kapacitor tasks
:param alert_handlers_errors: the list for tracking errors while interacting with Kapacitor alert handlers
:return: the list of successfully registered event identifiers
kapacitor_api_tasks_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port)
for policy in tosca_tpl.policies:
for trigger in policy.triggers:
event_id =
......@@ -255,7 +352,7 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
# generate topic and alert identifiers
topic_id = "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}".format(sfc, sfc_instance, policy_id, event_id) # scoped per service function chain instance (no two sfc instances report to the same topic)
topic_id = self.get_hash(topic_id)
alert_id = topic_id
task_id = topic_id
# check whether the template needs to be a stream or a batch
if event_type in self.DUAL_VERSION_TEMPLATES:
......@@ -273,9 +370,8 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
alert_period=alert_period, topic_id=topic_id, event_id=event_id, where_clause=where_clause)
# create and activate alert task through the kapacitor HTTP API
kapacitor_api_tasks_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/tasks".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port)
kapacitor_http_request_body = {
"id": alert_id,
"id": task_id,
"template-id": template_id,
"dbrps": [{"db": db, "rp": "autogen"}],
"status": "enabled",
......@@ -321,6 +417,7 @@ class AlertsConfigurationAPI(object):
kapacitor_api_handlers_url = "http://{0}:{1}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics/{2}/handlers".format(kapacitor_host, kapacitor_port, topic_id)
for http_handler_url in http_handlers:
# check for flame_sfemc entry, if found replace with sfemc FQDN
......@@ -89,19 +89,3 @@ def set_up_tear_down_fixture(rspec_config):
kill(process_id, SIGKILL)
print("Deleting Kapacitor tasks, topics and handlers that were created for this test...")
# get all tasks from kapacitor (that were created in this test) and delete them
kapacitor_tasks = get("{0}/kapacitor/v1/tasks".format(kapacitor_url)).json()["tasks"]
kapacitor_task_links = [task["link"]["href"] for task in kapacitor_tasks]
for task_link in kapacitor_task_links:
delete("{0}{1}".format(kapacitor_url, task_link))
# get all topics and handlers from kapacitor (that were created in this test) and delete them
kapacitor_topics = get("{0}/kapacitor/v1/alerts/topics".format(kapacitor_url)).json()["topics"]
for topic in kapacitor_topics:
topic_handlers = get("{0}{1}".format(kapacitor_url, topic["handlers-link"]["href"])).json()["handlers"]
for handler in topic_handlers:
delete("{0}{1}".format(kapacitor_url, handler["link"]["href"]))
delete("{0}{1}".format(kapacitor_url, topic["link"]["href"]))
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
from time import sleep, strptime
from requests import post, get
from requests import post, get, delete
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, dirname
from json import load
......@@ -149,3 +149,24 @@ class TestAlerts(object):
valid = False
assert valid, "Alert log content is invalid - {0}".format(alert_log_path)
with open(alerts_spec, 'rb') as alerts:
files = {'alert-spec': alerts}
response = delete("http://{0}/clmc-service/alerts".format(clmc_service_host), files=files)
assert response.status_code == 200, "Incorrect status code returned after deleting the alert specification"
json_response = response.json()
# sort by trigger to ensure comparison order is correct
assert sorted(json_response["deleted_alerts"], key=lambda x: x['trigger']) == [{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "high_requests"}, {"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_active_requests"},
{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_running_processes"}, {"policy": "deadman_policy", "trigger": "no_measurements"}], \
"Incorrect list of deleted alerts"
# sort by handler and trigger to ensure comparison order is correct
assert sorted(json_response["deleted_handlers"], key=lambda x: (x['handler'], x['trigger'])) == [{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_active_requests", "handler": "flame_sfemc"},
{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_running_processes", "handler": "flame_sfemc"},
{"policy": "deadman_policy", "trigger": "no_measurements", "handler": "flame_sfemc"},
{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "high_requests", "handler": ""},
{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_active_requests", "handler": ""},
{"policy": "scale_nginx_policy", "trigger": "increase_in_running_processes", "handler": ""},
{"policy": "deadman_policy", "trigger": "no_measurements", "handler": ""}], \
"Incorrect list of deleted handlers"
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