This document describes the CLMC service and its API endpoints. The CLMC service is implemented in the *Python* framework called **Pyramid**.
It offers different API endpoints to configure and control the aggregator, which is an essential part in the process of measuring the end-to-end performance.
All source code, tests and configuration files of the service can be found in the **src/clmc-webservice** folder.
#### API Endpoints
This API method retrieves information about the configuration of the aggregator.
* Response:
Returns a JSON-formatted response with the configuration data of the aggregator - *aggregator_report_period*, *aggregator_database_name*,
"comment": "Aggregator is running in a malformed state - it uses an old version of the configuration. Please, restart it so that the updated configuration is used."
This API method retrieves information about the status of the aggregator - whether it is running or not.
* Response:
Returns a JSON-formatted response with the status data of the aggregator - *aggregator_running*. If the aggregator
is running in a malformed state, the response will also indicate this with two additional fields - *malformed* and *comment*
* Response Example:
"aggregator_running": false
* Response Example - for malformed configuration:
"aggregator_running": true,
"malformed": true,
"comment": "Aggregator is running in a malformed state - it uses an old version of the configuration. Please, restart it so that the updated configuration is used."
This API method updates the status of the aggregator - a user can start, stop or restart it.
* Request:
Expects a JSON-formatted request body with the new status of the aggregator. The body should contain only one key
field - *action* (the action to undertake, which can be **start**, **restart** or **stop**)
* Request Example:
"action": "start"
* Response:
The body of the request is first validated before taking any actions. If the action is not one of the listed above,
then the validation will fail. If validation is successful, returns a JSON-formatted response with the new status of
the aggregator. Otherwise, an **HTTP Bad Request** response is returned.
* Response Example:
"aggregator_running": true
* Notes:
* If a **start** action is requested, while the aggregator is running, then the request will be ignored. To restart the
aggregator, a user should use a **restart** action.
* If a **stop** action is requested, while the aggregator is not running, then the request will be ignored.
* A request with a **restart** action, while the aggregator is not running, has the same functionality as a request
with a **start** action.
* The functionality of a request with a **restart** action is the same as the functionlity of a **stop** action