## Repo as a template
There are as many templates for (R) repos as there R users... Here's ours.
We structure the repo as a package. We may never build it but usually we do so that the package functions are available everywhere in it
Things you should touch:
| Item | Description |
| --- | --- |
| **[.gitignore](.gitignore)** | A place to tell git what _not_ to synchronise e.g. `.csv` or [weird OS files](|
| **[analysis/](analysis/)** | Where we store .Rmd files and the .R scripts that call them (usually using a `drake` plan) |
| **[DESCRIPTION](DESCRIPTION)** | But only if you use this as a template for your own repo - it is a special file for packages |
| **[docs/](docs/)** | Where we put output generated by the .R/.Rmd code. This is helpful if you are using [github/lab pages]( Unfortunately the University of Southampton gitlab service does not currently support this. |
| **[env.R](env.R)** | Where we store all the parameters that might be re-used across our repo. Such as colour defaults, data paths etc. We avoid using a project/repo level .Rprofile because it can lead to [a **lot** of confusion]( |
| **[LICENSE](LICENSE)** | Edit to suit your needs |
| **[notData/](notData/)** | Where we do not store data. R packages expect certain kinds of data in their 'data/' folders. Do not put your data in it. |
| **[R/](R/)** | Where we store functions that get built |
| **[](** | Repo readme |
| **[](** | Our collection of guides and `how-tos` |
| **[](** | This file |
> We recommend **not** putting your data in your repo at all.
Yes, this breaks true reproducability but there are reasons:
* we often use data that is commercial or sensitive or personal (under GDPR) - so we cannot risk that leaking out
* we often use _very large_ datasets which most git/hub/lab services sensibly reject
* we often pull real time data on the fly from elsewhere so storage makes no sense
| Item | Description |
| --- | --- |
| **man/** | Created by building the project/package using roxygen2 |
| **.Rbuildignore** | - ditto - |
### Our coding habits
We try to remember to call functions using `woRkflow::myFunction()` so we know exactly which package we are using. This also forces regular package re-builds so your new fancy updated function can be used.
We defer to the [tidyverse style guide]( on many things although we do prefer using `camelCase` rather than `inserting_hyphens` in function and variable names.