%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Project.tex %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[sotoncolour]{uosproject} % Use the Project Style with custom link colour \graphicspath{{../Figures/}} % Location of your graphics files \usepackage[round]{natbib} % Use Natbib style for the refs. \usepackage{bibentry} % Use bibentry for prepublished works \nobibliography* % Use bibentry for prepublished works \usepackage{attrib} % Use the attrib package for quotations \hypersetup{colorlinks=true} % Set to false for black/white printing \input{Definitions} % Include your abbreviations %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% --------------------THESIS/DOC INFORMATION --------------------- \faculty {Faculty of [Insert faculty]} \FACULTY {\MakeUppercase{\facname}} \department {School of [Insert school]} \DEPARTMENT {\MakeUppercase{\deptname}} \group {[Group name]} \GROUP {\MakeUppercase{\groupname}} \title {An Investigation into \dots} \authors {\texorpdfstring {\href{mailto:S.A.Watson@soton.ac.uk}{Name and email, for example, Sarah Alison Watson}} {Name and email, for example, Sarah Alison Watson} } \addresses {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname} \date {\today} \supervisor {Mr Beavis} \examiner {Dr Butthead} \degree {BEng Electronic Engineering} %% Optional Fields TODO: Replace these fields with your own data \qualifications{[Insert Previous Qualifications, for example MEng]} \subject {} \keywords {} \begin{document} %% ------------------ FRONT MATTER ORGANISATION ------------------- \frontmatter \maketitle \begin{abstract} This work is all about \dots \end{abstract} \pdfbookmark[0]{\contentsname}{toc} % Add pdf bookmark for contents page for navigation \tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables %% The List of listings does not, by default, appear in the ToC, so.... \addtotoc{Listings} \lstlistoflistings \listofaddmaterial \addtolom{Material Name e.g Map} \addtolom{Material Name e.g CD} \addtolom{Test Material} %% ---------- AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION/ ACKNOW. / DEDICATORY ---------- %% Either include citations like below (as many as required spaced with commas or 'and'). %% \bibentry command must be used here with prepublished papers \authorshipdeclaration{\bibentry{Gunn:2001:pdflatex}\newline\bibentry{Lovell:2011:updated}\newline\bibentry{Gunn:2011:updated2}} %% Or state no citations like below %% \authorshipdeclaration{} %% ----------------------- \acknowledgements{Thanks to no one.} \dedicatory{To \dots} %%Lightweight Definitions and Abbreviations see package:nomencl for alternative %% Include if relevant to discipline \listofsymbols{ll}{$w$ & The weight vector\\$\S$ & If relevant to discipline} \mainmatter %% ------------------ MAIN MATTER (CONTENT) -------------------- \include{Introduction} \include{Conclusions} \begin{lstlisting}[caption=Listing of what an example listing would be like] This is a test listing The test listing has several lines to show how the listings will be displayed \end{lstlisting} \appendix \include{AppendixA} \backmatter \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \bibliography{UOS} \end{document} %% ----------------------------------------------------------------