diff --git a/bin/filelist_compile.py b/bin/filelist_compile.py
index a32e800650690652e1ea75c66b6515cbb6f91769..eb32e5aab1bbfc81b32b3d677804221e669f2645 100755
--- a/bin/filelist_compile.py
+++ b/bin/filelist_compile.py
@@ -79,12 +79,24 @@ def read_list(filelist, first, incdirs, args):
                         # Append to filelist
                         if args.absolute == True:
                             if args.tcl == True:
-                                compiled_filelist.append("read_verilog " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))
+                                if args.genus == True:
+                                    if file.endswith(".sv"):
+                                        compiled_filelist.append("read_hdl -language sv " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))
+                                    else:
+                                        compiled_filelist.append("read_hdl " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))
+                                else:
+                                    compiled_filelist.append("read_verilog " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))
                             if args.tcl == True:
-                                compiled_filelist.append("read_verilog " + str(line_list[1])+"/"+str(file).replace("$","$env"))
+                                if args.genus == True:
+                                    if file.endswith(".sv"):
+                                        compiled_filelist.append("read_hdl -language sv " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))  
+                                    else:
+                                        compiled_filelist.append("read_hdl " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[1], tcl=True)).replace("$","$env")+"/"+str(file))  
+                                else:
+                                    compiled_filelist.append("read_verilog " + str(line_list[1])+"/"+str(file).replace("$","$env"))
@@ -97,16 +109,28 @@ def read_list(filelist, first, incdirs, args):
                 if args.tcl == True:
                     if args.absolute == True:
                         if first == True:
-                            compiled_filelist.append("set search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
+                            if args.genus == True:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set_db init_hdl_search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
+                            else:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
                             first = False
-                            compiled_filelist.append("set search_path [ concat $search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env") + " ]")
+                            if args.genus == True:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set_db init_hdl_search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
+                            else:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set search_path [ concat $search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env") + " ]")
                         if first == True:
-                            compiled_filelist.append("set search_path " + str(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+")).replace("$","$env"))
+                            if args.genus == True:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set_db init_hdl_search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
+                            else:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set search_path " + str(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+")).replace("$","$env"))
                             first = False
-                            compiled_filelist.append("set search_path [ concat $search_path " + str(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+")).replace("$","$env") + " ]")
+                            if args.genus == True:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set_db init_hdl_search_path " + str(env_var_substitute(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+"), tcl=True)).replace("$","$env"))
+                            else:
+                                compiled_filelist.append("set search_path [ concat $search_path " + str(line_list[0].lstrip("+incdir+")).replace("$","$env") + " ]")
                 # elif args.makefile == True:
                 #     if args.absolute == True:
                 #         if first == True:
@@ -149,22 +173,34 @@ def read_list(filelist, first, incdirs, args):
     if len(hdl_files) > 0:
         # temp_str = 'add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes "'
-        temp_str = f'add_files -norecurse -force -copy_to {args.rtldir} "'
-        for file in hdl_files:
-            temp_str += file + " "
-        temp_str += '"'
-        compiled_filelist.append(temp_str)
+        if args.genus == False:
+            temp_str = f'add_files -norecurse -force -copy_to {args.rtldir} "'
+            for file in hdl_files:
+                temp_str += file + " "
+            temp_str += '"'
+            compiled_filelist.append(temp_str)
+        else:
+            if hdl_files[0].endswith(".sv"):
+                temp_str = f'read_hdl -language sv '
+            else:
+                temp_str = f'read_hdl '
+            for file in hdl_files:
+                temp_str += file + " "
+            compiled_filelist.append(temp_str)
     return compiled_filelist, first, incdirs
 def incdir_compile(args, incdirs):
     temp_str = ""
     if args.tcl == True:
-        if len(incdirs) > 0:
-            temp_str = 'set_property include_dirs "'
-            for directory in incdirs:
-                temp_dir = str(directory).replace("$","$env")
-                temp_str += " " + temp_dir
-            temp_str += '" [current_fileset]'
+        if args.genus == False:
+            if len(incdirs) > 0:
+                temp_str = 'set_property include_dirs "'
+                for directory in incdirs:
+                    temp_dir = str(directory).replace("$","$env")
+                    temp_str += " " + temp_dir
+                temp_str += '" [current_fileset]'
     elif args.makefile == True:
         if len(incdirs) > 0:
             for directory in incdirs:
@@ -190,8 +226,9 @@ def filelist_compile(args):
     # Create string of all paths to write out
     filelist_str = filelist_header if (args.tcl == False and args.makefile == False) else filelist_header.replace("//","#")
     if args.tcl == True:
+        if args.genus==False:
         # filelist_str += incdir_compile(args, incdirs) + "\n"
-        filelist_str += defines_compile(args)
+            filelist_str += defines_compile(args)
     for path in filelist: filelist_str += path
     filelist_str += incdir_compile(args, incdirs) + "\n"
         # filelist_str += defines_compile(args)
@@ -207,6 +244,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="Output Filelist location")
     parser.add_argument("-e", "--exclude", action='store_true', help="Exclude filists including these strings")
     parser.add_argument("-t", "--tcl", action='store_true', help="Generate a TCL Script")
+    parser.add_argument("-g", "--genus", action = 'store_true', help="Generate TCL script for genus")
     parser.add_argument("-m", "--makefile", action='store_true', help="Generate a Makefile RTL Sources File")
     parser.add_argument("-a", "--absolute", action='store_true', help="Substitute environment Variables with Absolute Path")
     parser.add_argument("-r", "--rtldir", type=str, help="Directory where RTL Source will be copied to in TCL mode")
diff --git a/bin/htmlgen/makefile b/bin/htmlgen/makefile
index 5203661656e6c49ab8d1f0a5fdd02257b448d320..03653d50b591104c457c3c39ea9ec31902c9e8ee 100644
--- a/bin/htmlgen/makefile
+++ b/bin/htmlgen/makefile
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ gen_html:
 	@mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR)/build
 	@echo Output Directory is $(OUT_DIR)/build
 	@echo Filelist is $(FILELIST)
 	@(cd $(OUT_DIR)/build; \
 	rm *.html; rm *.gif; \
 	$(SOCLABS_SOCTOOLS_FLOW_DIR)/bin/filelist_compile.py -ea -f $(FILELIST) -o $(OUTPUT_FILELIST) ; \