lint_checking designunit = socdebug_adp_control { // Not Top-level in design_info TPOUNR off; // waivers for some legacy FT245 stream handshake signals URDWIR off; INFNOT off; // Multi-statement per line permitted for ease of maintenance SEPLIN off; // specifically support task global vaariable assignments to reuse tasks TSETGV off; // excuse FSM multiple non-blocking assigns (priority design) MULNBA off; // support async FSM registers FFASRT off; // coding allow multi-bit changes in next-state transitions TRNMBT off; // FSM coding waivers - explicitly coded, >40 states with non-standard state assignment SYNASN off; DNSTIF off; LMTSTS off; FSMIDN off; BADFSM off; EXTFSM off; // Allow specific AHB controller outputs to be driven as constants TIELOG off; // clock domain crossing handled explicitly - HCLK and PCLK balanced CLKDMN off; FLSYNC off; INSYNC off; }