diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index b6fcc25b02128d8d68590a95cd6b43f435142f0c..617ce0426920c16bba8d96c7d48c2a8973b5490f 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/hdl/verif/tb_sha256_id_buf.sv b/hdl/verif/tb_sha256_id_buf.sv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e49f82fec55ebd099071a880ecfbf4be384a541f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/verif/tb_sha256_id_buf.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// SoC Labs Basic SHA-2 ID Buffer Testbench
+// A joint work commissioned on behalf of SoC Labs, under Arm Academic Access license.
+// Contributors
+// David Mapstone (d.a.mapstone@soton.ac.uk)
+// Copyright  2022, SoC Labs (www.soclabs.org)
+`timescale 1ns/1ns
+`include "sha256_id_buf.sv"
+module tb_sha256_id_buf;
+    logic clk;
+    logic nrst;
+    logic en;
+    logic sync_rst;
+    // ID Buffer IN
+    logic [5:0] id_in;
+    logic id_in_last;
+    logic id_in_valid;
+    logic id_in_ready;
+    // ID Out
+    logic [5:0] id_out;
+    logic id_out_last;
+    logic id_out_valid;
+    logic id_out_ready;
+    // Status Out - Gets updated after every hash
+    logic [5:0] status_id;
+    sha256_id_buf uut (
+            .clk               (clk),
+            .nrst              (nrst),
+            .en                (en),
+            .sync_rst          (sync_rst),
+            // ID IN
+            .id_in         (id_in),
+            .id_in_last    (id_in_last),
+            .id_in_valid   (id_in_valid),
+            .id_in_ready   (id_in_ready),
+            // ID Out
+            .id_out          (id_out),
+            .id_out_last     (id_out_last),
+            .id_out_valid    (id_out_valid),
+            .id_out_ready    (id_out_ready),
+            // Status Out - Gets updated on every output Handshake
+            .status_id       (status_id)
+        );
+    logic id_in_drive_en;
+    logic id_out_drive_ready;
+    logic [5:0]  id_in_queue      [$];
+    logic        id_in_last_queue [$];
+    int          id_in_gap_queue  [$];
+    logic        id_in_wait_queue;
+    logic [5:0] id_out_queue        [$];
+    logic       id_out_last_queue   [$];
+    int         id_out_stall_queue  [$];
+    logic       id_out_wait_queue;
+    // TODO: Handle Status Checking
+    // Handle Valid and Data for id_in
+    always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge nrst) begin: id_in_valid_drive
+        if (!nrst) begin
+            id_in                 <=   6'd0;
+            id_in_valid           <=   1'b0;
+            id_in_last            <=   1'b0;
+            id_in_gap             <=   0;
+            id_in_wait_queue      <=   1'b1;
+        end else if (id_in_drive_en) begin
+            if (id_in_gap > 1) begin
+                id_in_gap <= id_in_gap - 1;
+                id_in_valid <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+                id_in_valid <= 1'b1;
+            end
+            if (((id_in_valid == 1'b1) && (id_in_ready == 1'b1)) ||
+                 (id_in_wait_queue == 1'b1)) begin
+                // Data transfer just completed or transfers already up to date
+                if ((id_in_queue.size() > 0) && (id_in_last_queue.size() > 0) && (id_in_gap_queue.size() > 0)) begin
+                    id_in            <= id_in_queue.pop_front();
+                    id_in_last       <= id_in_last_queue.pop_front();
+                    if (id_in_gap_queue[0] == 0) begin
+                        id_in_valid  <= 1'b1;
+                    end else begin
+                        id_in_valid  <= 1'b0;
+                    end
+                    id_in_gap        <= id_in_gap_queue.pop_front();
+                    id_in_wait_queue <= 1'b0;
+                end else begin
+                    // No data currently avaiable in queue to write but transfers up to date
+                    id_in_wait_queue <= 1'b1;
+                    id_in_valid      <= 1'b0;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    logic [5:0] id_out_check;
+    logic       id_out_last_check;
+    int id_in_gap;
+    int id_out_stall;
+    int packet_num;
+    // Handle Output Ready Signal Verification
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        // Check Override Control on Ready
+        if (id_out_drive_ready) begin
+            // Count down to zero before enabling Ready
+            if (id_out_stall > 1) begin
+                id_out_stall <= id_out_stall - 1;
+                id_out_ready <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+                // Wait for handshake before updating stall value
+                if ((id_out_valid == 1'b1) && (id_out_ready == 1'b1)) begin
+                    if (id_out_stall_queue.size() > 0) begin
+                        if (id_out_stall_queue[0] == 0) begin
+                            id_out_ready <= 1'b1;
+                        end else begin
+                            id_out_ready <= 1'b0;
+                        end
+                        id_out_stall <= id_out_stall_queue.pop_front();
+                    end
+                // Keep Ready Asserted until handshake seen
+                end else begin
+                    id_out_ready <= 1'b1;
+                end
+            end
+        end else begin
+            id_out_ready <= 1'b0;
+        end
+    end
+    // Handle Output Data Verification
+    always @(posedge clk) begin
+        // Check Data on Handshake
+        if ((id_out_valid == 1'b1) && (id_out_ready == 1'b1)) begin
+            // Check Size
+            assert (id_out == id_out_check) else begin
+                $error("id_out missmatch! packet %d | recieve: %x != check: %x", packet_num, id_out, id_out_check);
+                $finish;
+            end
+            if ($test$plusargs ("DEBUG")) $display("id_out match! packet %d | recieve: %x == check: %x", packet_num, id_out, id_out_check);
+            // Check Last Flag
+            assert (id_out_last == id_out_last_check) else begin
+                $error("id_out_last missmatch! packet %d | recieve: %x != check: %x", packet_num, id_out_last, id_out_last_check);
+                $finish;
+            end
+            if ($test$plusargs ("DEBUG")) $display("id_out_last match! packet %d | recieve: %x == check: %x", packet_num, id_out_last, id_out_last_check);
+            // Pop new values
+            if ((id_out_queue.size() > 0) && (id_out_last_queue.size() > 0)) begin
+                id_out_check          <= id_out_queue.pop_front();
+                id_out_last_check     <= id_out_last_queue.pop_front();
+                if (id_out_last_check == 1'b1) begin
+                    packet_num <= packet_num + 1;
+                end
+            end else begin
+                $display("Test Passes");
+                $finish;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    // File Reading Variables
+    int fd; // File descriptor Handle
+    logic [5:0]   temp_id_in;       // Temporary Input Data Storage
+    logic         temp_id_in_last;  // Temporary Input Data Last
+    int           temp_id_in_gap;   // Temporary Input Gap
+    logic [5:0] temp_id_out;        // Temporary Hash Value 
+    logic         temp_id_out_last;   // Temporary Hash last;
+    int           temp_id_out_stall;  // Temporary Hash stall;
+    initial begin
+        $dumpfile("sha256_id_buf.vcd");
+        $dumpvars(0, tb_sha256_id_buf);
+        id_in_drive_en = 0;
+        id_out_drive_ready = 0;
+        // Read input data into Queue in
+        fd = $fopen("../stimulus/testbench/input_validator_id_stim.csv", "r");
+        while ($fscanf (fd, "%d,%b,%d", temp_id_in, temp_id_in_last, temp_id_in_gap) == 3) begin
+            id_in_queue.push_back(temp_id_in);
+            id_in_last_queue.push_back(temp_id_in_last);
+            id_in_gap_queue.push_back(temp_id_in_gap);
+        end
+        $fclose(fd);
+        // Read output data into Queue
+        fd = $fopen("../stimulus/testbench/output_id_out_ref.csv", "r");
+        while ($fscanf (fd, "%x,%b,%b,%d", temp_id_out, temp_id_out_last, temp_id_out_stall) == 3) begin
+            id_out_queue.push_back(temp_id_out);
+            id_out_last_queue.push_back(temp_id_out_last);
+            id_out_stall_queue.push_back(temp_id_out_stall);
+        end
+        $fclose(fd);
+        // Initialise First Checking Values
+        id_out_check         = id_out_queue.pop_front();      
+        id_out_last_check    = id_out_last_queue.pop_front();      
+        id_out_stall         = id_out_stall_queue.pop_front();      
+        // Defaultly enable Message Builder
+        en = 1;
+        // Defaultly set Sync Reset Low
+        sync_rst  = 0;
+        #20 nrst  = 1;
+        #20 nrst  = 0;
+        #20 nrst  = 1;
+        // Write some data into the config register
+        # 30 id_in_drive_en = 1;
+        # 30 id_out_drive_ready = 1;
+    end
+    initial begin
+        forever begin
+            #10 clk = 0;
+            #10 clk = 1;
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file