From fdc0505dc2ac7700345158da92c8d9576d89678e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikolay Stanchev <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 16:28:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Graph API tests

 scripts/clmc-service/               |   2 +-
 src/          |  62 ---
 .../          |  99 +++++
 src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/  | 209 ++++++++++
 src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/     | 379 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/ |  22 +-
 6 files changed, 690 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/
 create mode 100644 src/service/clmcservice/
 create mode 100644 src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/

diff --git a/scripts/clmc-service/ b/scripts/clmc-service/
index 12467cd..16e86e3 100755
--- a/scripts/clmc-service/
+++ b/scripts/clmc-service/
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ cd `dirname $0`
 echo "Provisioning CLMC service"
 ./ $@
-./ $@
 ./ $@
+./ $@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 409be75..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import getopt
-import sys
-from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
-from json import load
-def generate_network_measurements(influx_host, db_name, network_config_path):
-    """
-    Generates network measurements which follow the telegraf ping plugin format.
-    :param influx_host: influx DB host
-    :param db_name: name of database
-    :param network_config_path the path to the network configuration file
-    """
-    with open(network_config_path) as fh:
-        json_data = load(fh)
-    # declares the data to push to influx - host, url, avg_response_ms, min_response_ms, max_response_ms
-    data = ((link["source"], link["target"], link["avg_response_time"], link["min_response_time"], link["max_response_time"]) for link in json_data["links"])
-    json_body = [
-        {"measurement": "ping",
-         "tags": {"host": host, "url": url},
-         "fields": {"packets_transmitted": 10, "reply_received": 10, "packets_received": 10,
-                    "percent_reply_loss": 0, "percent_packets_loss": 0, "errors": 0, "average_response_ms": avg_ms,
-                    "minimum_response_ms": min_ms, "maximum_response_ms": max_ms, "result_code": 0},
-         "time": 1528385860 * 10**9
-         } for host, url, avg_ms, min_ms, max_ms in data
-    ]
-    print("Establishing connection with influx DB on {0} with database {1}".format(influx_host, db_name))
-    db_client = InfluxDBClient(host=influx_host, timeout=10, database=db_name)
-    db_client.drop_measurement("ping")  # clear data in the ping measurement from previous executions of this script
-    print("Writing network latency data to influx..\n")
-    assert db_client.write_points(json_body)  # assert the write method returns True - successful write
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:d:p:", ['host=', 'database=', 'path='])
-    except getopt.GetoptError:
-        print(' -h <influx host> -d <influx database> -p <network configuration file path>')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if len(opts) != 3:
-        print(' -h <influx host> -d <influx database> -p <network configuration file path>')
-        sys.exit(1)
-    db_host, database, path = None, None, None
-    # Apply options, if any
-    for opt, arg in opts:
-        if opt in ('-h', '--host'):
-            db_host = arg
-        elif opt in ('-d', '--database'):
-            database = arg
-        elif opt in ('-p', '--path'):
-            path = arg
-    if all([db_host is not None, database is not None, path is not None]):
-        generate_network_measurements(db_host, database, path)
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/ b/src/service/clmcservice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b88cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import getopt
+import sys
+from itertools import permutations
+from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
+from json import load
+from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
+def report_network_measurements(influx_host, db_name, json_data, neo4j_host, neo4j_password):
+    """
+    Generates network measurements which follow the telegraf ping plugin format.
+    :param influx_host: influx DB host
+    :param db_name: name of database
+    :param json_data: the network configuration data
+    :param neo4j_host: the neo4j db host
+    :param neo4j_password: the neo4j db password
+    """
+    # declares the data to push to influx - host, url, avg_response_ms, min_response_ms, max_response_ms
+    data = tuple((link["source"], link["target"], link["avg_response_time"], link["min_response_time"], link["max_response_time"]) for link in json_data["links"])
+    json_body = [
+        {"measurement": "ping",
+         "tags": {"host": host, "url": url},
+         "fields": {"packets_transmitted": 10, "reply_received": 10, "packets_received": 10,
+                    "percent_reply_loss": 0, "percent_packets_loss": 0, "errors": 0, "average_response_ms": avg_ms,
+                    "minimum_response_ms": min_ms, "maximum_response_ms": max_ms, "result_code": 0},
+         "time": 1528385860 * 10**9
+         } for host, url, avg_ms, min_ms, max_ms in data
+    ]
+    print("Establishing connection with influx DB on {0} with database {1}".format(influx_host, db_name))
+    db_client = InfluxDBClient(host=influx_host, timeout=10, database=db_name)
+    db_client.drop_measurement("ping")  # clear data in the ping measurement from previous executions of this script
+    print("Writing network latency data to influx..\n")
+    assert db_client.write_points(json_body)  # assert the write method returns True - successful write
+    graph = Graph(host=neo4j_host, password=neo4j_password, port=11005)
+    print("Building network links from the ping telegraf plugin in influx")
+    compute_nodes = set([host for host, url, avg_ms, min_ms, max_ms in data])
+    # retrieve all network latencies available from the influx ping table
+    for network_link in permutations(compute_nodes, 2):
+        from_node_name, to_node_name = network_link
+        from_node = graph.nodes.match("ComputeNode", name=from_node_name).first()
+        if from_node is None:
+            from_node = Node("ComputeNode", name=from_node_name)
+            graph.create(from_node)
+        to_node = graph.nodes.match("ComputeNode", name=to_node_name).first()
+        if to_node is None:
+            to_node = Node("ComputeNode", name=to_node_name)
+            graph.create(to_node)
+        # query = 'SELECT mean(*) FROM "CLMCMetrics"."autogen"."ping" WHERE host=\'{0}\' and url=\'{1}\' and time>={2} and time<{3}'.format(from_node['name'], to_node['name'], from_timestamp, to_timestamp)
+        # In future when latencies are reported continuously, we should put timestamp filtering in the query for network links
+        query = 'SELECT mean(*) FROM "CLMCMetrics"."autogen"."ping" WHERE host=\'{0}\' and url=\'{1}\''.format(from_node['name'], to_node['name'])
+        print("Executing query: {0}".format(query))
+        result = db_client.query(query)  # execute the query
+        # get the dictionary of result points; the next() function just gets the first element of the query results generator (we only expect one item in the generator)
+        try:
+            actual_result = next(result.get_points())
+            latency = actual_result.get("mean_average_response_ms")
+            if graph.relationships.match(nodes=(from_node, to_node), r_type="linkedTo").first() is None:
+                edge = Relationship(from_node, "linkedTo", to_node, latency=latency)
+                graph.create(edge)
+        except StopIteration:
+            # in this case there is no such link reported to Influx
+            print("There is no direct link between {0} and {1}".format(from_node, to_node))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:d:p:", ['host=', 'database=', 'path='])
+    except getopt.GetoptError:
+        print(' -h <influx host> -d <influx database> -p <network configuration file path>')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if len(opts) != 3:
+        print(' -h <influx host> -d <influx database> -p <network configuration file path>')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    db_host, database, path = None, None, None
+    # Apply options, if any
+    for opt, arg in opts:
+        if opt in ('-h', '--host'):
+            db_host = arg
+        elif opt in ('-d', '--database'):
+            database = arg
+        elif opt in ('-p', '--path'):
+            path = arg
+    if all([db_host is not None, database is not None, path is not None]):
+        with open(path) as fh:
+            json_data = load(fh)
+        report_network_measurements(db_host, database, json_data, db_host, "admin")
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dfd3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// © University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, 2018
+// Copyright in this software belongs to University of Southampton
+// IT Innovation Centre of Gamma House, Enterprise Road,
+// Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK.
+// This software may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied
+// or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or
+// on any media by any person other than in accordance with the terms
+// of the Licence Agreement supplied with the software, or otherwise
+// without the prior written consent of the copyright owners.
+// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the
+// PURPOSE, except where stated in the Licence Agreement supplied with
+// the software.
+//      Created By :            Nikolay Stanchev
+//      Created Date :          09-07-2018
+//      Created for Project :   FLAME
+import pytest
+from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
+from clmcservice.generate_network_measurements import report_network_measurements
+from py2neo import Graph
+network_config = {
+    "links": [
+        {
+            "source": "DC1",
+            "target": "DC2",
+            "min_response_time": 10,
+            "max_response_time": 20,
+            "avg_response_time": 15
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC2",
+            "target": "DC1",
+            "min_response_time": 16,
+            "max_response_time": 28,
+            "avg_response_time": 22
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC1",
+            "target": "DC3",
+            "min_response_time": 17,
+            "max_response_time": 19,
+            "avg_response_time": 18
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC3",
+            "target": "DC1",
+            "min_response_time": 15,
+            "max_response_time": 25,
+            "avg_response_time": 20
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC1",
+            "target": "DC5",
+            "min_response_time": 27,
+            "max_response_time": 33,
+            "avg_response_time": 30
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC5",
+            "target": "DC1",
+            "min_response_time": 10,
+            "max_response_time": 42,
+            "avg_response_time": 26
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC2",
+            "target": "DC4",
+            "min_response_time": 11,
+            "max_response_time": 29,
+            "avg_response_time": 20
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC4",
+            "target": "DC2",
+            "min_response_time": 12,
+            "max_response_time": 40,
+            "avg_response_time": 26
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC3",
+            "target": "DC4",
+            "min_response_time": 23,
+            "max_response_time": 27,
+            "avg_response_time": 25
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC4",
+            "target": "DC3",
+            "min_response_time": 12,
+            "max_response_time": 18,
+            "avg_response_time": 15
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC5",
+            "target": "DC6",
+            "min_response_time": 3,
+            "max_response_time": 15,
+            "avg_response_time": 9
+        },
+        {
+            "source": "DC6",
+            "target": "DC5",
+            "min_response_time": 11,
+            "max_response_time": 11,
+            "avg_response_time": 11
+        },
+    ]
+@pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
+def db_testing_data():
+    """
+    This fixture generates some testing data in influx to be used for testing, after which it clears up the DB.
+    :return: a pair of time stamps defining the from-to range for which the test data is reported
+    """
+    global network_config
+    test_db_name = "TestInfluxDB"
+    influx = InfluxDBClient(host="localhost", port=8086, timeout=10)
+    graph = Graph(host="localhost", password="admin", port="11005")
+    graph.delete_all()
+    dbs = influx.get_list_database()
+    if "CLMCMetrics" not in dbs:
+        influx.create_database("CLMCMetrics")
+    report_network_measurements("localhost", "CLMCMetrics", network_config, "localhost", "admin")
+    if test_db_name in dbs:
+        influx.drop_database(test_db_name)
+    influx.create_database(test_db_name)
+    influx.switch_database(test_db_name)
+    from_timestamp = 1528385860
+    to_timestamp = 1528685860
+    data = [
+        ("host4", "nginx_1_ep1", "DC4", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 5, 20, 1528385860),
+        ("host6", "nginx_1_ep2", "DC6", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr6", 8, 35, 1528385860),
+        ("host4", "nginx_1_ep1", "DC4", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 7, 15, 1528389860),
+        ("host6", "nginx_1_ep2", "DC6", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr6", 10, 23, 1528389860),
+        ("host4", "nginx_1_ep1", "DC4", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 12, 17, 1528395860),
+        ("host6", "nginx_1_ep2", "DC6", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr6", 15, 11, 1528395860),
+        ("host4", "nginx_1_ep1", "DC4", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 17, 23, 1528485860),
+        ("host6", "nginx_1_ep2", "DC6", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr6", 19, 24, 1528485860),
+        ("host4", "nginx_1_ep1", "DC4", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 11, 16, 1528545860),
+        ("host6", "nginx_1_ep2", "DC6", "nginx", "nginx_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr6", 20, 18, 1528545860)
+    ]
+    influx.write_points([
+        {"measurement": "nginx",
+         "tags": {"host": host, "ipendpoint": endpoint, "location": location, "sf": sf, "sf_i": sf_i, "sfc": sfc, "sfc_i": sfc_i, "sr": sr},
+         "fields": {"requests": num_requests, "avg_processing_time": processing_time},
+         "time": timestamp * 10 ** 9
+         } for host, endpoint, location, sf, sf_i, sfc, sfc_i, sr, num_requests, processing_time, timestamp in data
+    ])
+    data = [
+        ("host4", "minio_1_ep1", "DC4", "minio", "minio_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 12, 86, 1528386860),
+        ("host5", "minio_2_ep1", "DC5", "minio", "minio_2", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 15, 75, 1528386860),
+        ("host4", "minio_1_ep1", "DC4", "minio", "minio_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 7, 105, 1528388860),
+        ("host5", "minio_2_ep1", "DC5", "minio", "minio_2", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 12, 60, 1528388860),
+        ("host4", "minio_1_ep1", "DC4", "minio", "minio_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 11, 121, 1528410860),
+        ("host5", "minio_2_ep1", "DC5", "minio", "minio_2", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 12, 154, 1528410860),
+        ("host4", "minio_1_ep1", "DC4", "minio", "minio_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 14, 84, 1528412860),
+        ("host5", "minio_2_ep1", "DC5", "minio", "minio_2", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 5, 45, 1528412860),
+        ("host4", "minio_1_ep1", "DC4", "minio", "minio_1", "test_sfc1", "test_sfc1_1", "sr4", 7, 63, 1528414860),
+        ("host5", "minio_2_ep1", "DC5", "minio", "minio_2", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 16, 86, 1528414860)
+    ]
+    influx.write_points([
+        {"measurement": "minio_http",
+         "tags": {"host": host, "ipendpoint": endpoint, "location": location, "sf": sf, "sf_i": sf_i, "sfc": sfc, "sfc_i": sfc_i, "sr": sr},
+         "fields": {"total_requests_count": num_requests, "total_processing_time": processing_time},
+         "time": timestamp * 10 ** 9
+         } for host, endpoint, location, sf, sf_i, sfc, sfc_i, sr, num_requests, processing_time, timestamp in data
+    ])
+    data = [
+        ("host5", "apache_1_ep1", "DC5", "apache", "apache_1", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 15, 1528386860),
+        ("host5", "apache_1_ep1", "DC5", "apache", "apache_1", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 17, 1528388860),
+        ("host5", "apache_1_ep1", "DC5", "apache", "apache_1", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 19, 1528410860),
+        ("host5", "apache_1_ep1", "DC5", "apache", "apache_1", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 24, 1528412860),
+        ("host5", "apache_1_ep1", "DC5", "apache", "apache_1", "test_sfc2", "test_sfc2_1", "sr5", 13, 1528414860),
+    ]
+    influx.write_points([
+        {"measurement": "apache",
+         "tags": {"host": host, "ipendpoint": endpoint, "location": location, "sf": sf, "sf_i": sf_i, "sfc": sfc, "sfc_i": sfc_i, "sr": sr},
+         "fields": {"avg_processing_time": processing_time},
+         "time": timestamp * 10 ** 9
+         } for host, endpoint, location, sf, sf_i, sfc, sfc_i, sr, processing_time, timestamp in data
+    ])
+    yield from_timestamp, to_timestamp, test_db_name, graph
+    influx.switch_database("CLMCMetrics")
+    influx.drop_measurement("ping")
+    influx.drop_database("TestInfluxDB")
+    graph.delete_all()
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
index e69de29..04c687e 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+// © University of Southampton IT Innovation Centre, 2018
+// Copyright in this software belongs to University of Southampton
+// IT Innovation Centre of Gamma House, Enterprise Road,
+// Chilworth Science Park, Southampton, SO16 7NS, UK.
+// This software may not be used, sold, licensed, transferred, copied
+// or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or
+// on any media by any person other than in accordance with the terms
+// of the Licence Agreement supplied with the software, or otherwise
+// without the prior written consent of the copyright owners.
+// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the
+// PURPOSE, except where stated in the Licence Agreement supplied with
+// the software.
+//      Created By :            Nikolay Stanchev
+//      Created Date :          09-07-2018
+//      Created for Project :   FLAME
+from json import dumps
+import pytest
+from pyramid import testing
+from clmcservice.graphapi.views import GraphAPI
+from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotFound
+graph_1_id = None
+graph_2_id = None
+class TestGraphAPI(object):
+    """
+    A pytest-implementation test for the Graph API endpoints.
+    """
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+    def app_config(self):
+        """
+        A fixture to implement setUp/tearDown functionality for all tests by initializing configuration structure for the web service and db connection
+        """
+        self.registry = testing.setUp()
+        self.registry.add_settings({"neo4j_host": "localhost", "neo4j_password": "admin", "influx_host": "localhost", "influx_port": 8086})
+        yield
+        testing.tearDown()
+    def test_build(self, db_testing_data):
+        """
+        Tests the graph build API endpoint
+        :param db_testing_data: pair of time stamps - the from-to range of the generated influx test data, test database name and the graph db client
+        """
+        global graph_1_id, graph_2_id
+        from_timestamp, to_timestamp, test_db_name, graph_db = db_testing_data
+        dc_nodes = set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ComputeNode")])
+        assert dc_nodes == set("DC" + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)), "Compute nodes must have been created by the db_testing_data fixture"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.body = request.body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "A bad request error must have been raised in case of missing request body."
+        body = dumps(dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="sfc_i"))
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = 12341412
+        request.params["to"] = 12341412
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "A bad request error must have been raised in case of invalid request body."
+        body = dumps(dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="sfc_1", service_functions="{invalid_json}"))
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = 12341412
+        request.params["to"] = 12341412
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "A bad request error must have been raised in case of invalid request body."
+        service_functions = ["nginx", "minio"]
+        body = dumps(dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="sfc_1", service_functions=service_functions))
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = 12341412
+        request.params["to"] = 12341412
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "A bad request error must have been raised in case of invalid request body."
+        service_functions = dict(nginx={"measurement_name": "nginx", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"},
+                                 minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)"},
+                                 apache={"measurement_name": "apache", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"})
+        body = dumps(dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="sfc_1", service_functions=service_functions))
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from_timestamp"] = 12341412
+        request.params["to_timestamp"] = 12341412
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "A bad request error must have been raised in case of invalid URL parameters."
+        service_functions = dict(nginx={"measurement_name": "nginx", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"},
+                                 minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)"})
+        build_json_body = dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="test_sfc1_1", service_functions=service_functions)
+        body = dumps(build_json_body)
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = from_timestamp
+        request.params["to"] = to_timestamp
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        response = GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        graph_subresponse = response.pop("graph")
+        assert response == build_json_body, "Response must contain the request body"
+        assert graph_subresponse.get("uuid") is not None, "Request UUID must be attached to the response."
+        request_id = graph_subresponse["uuid"]
+        graph_1_id = request_id
+        # check that the appropriate nodes have been created
+        sf_names = set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunction")])
+        assert sf_names == {"nginx", "minio"}, "The graph must contain 2 service functions - nginx and minio"
+        sf_i_names = set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunctionInstance")])
+        assert sf_i_names == {"nginx_1", "minio_1"}, "The graph must contain 2 service function instances - nginx_1 and minio_1"
+        endpoints = set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("Endpoint", uuid=request_id)])
+        assert endpoints == {"minio_1_ep1", "nginx_1_ep1", "nginx_1_ep2"}
+        # check the appropriate edges have been created
+        self.check_exist_relationship(
+            (
+                ("minio_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "DC4", "ComputeNode", "hostedBy"),
+                ("nginx_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "DC4", "ComputeNode", "hostedBy"),
+                ("nginx_1_ep2", "Endpoint", "DC6", "ComputeNode", "hostedBy"),
+                ("minio_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "minio_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "realisedBy"),
+                ("nginx_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "nginx_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "realisedBy"),
+                ("nginx_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "nginx_1_ep2", "Endpoint", "realisedBy"),
+                ("minio_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "minio", "ServiceFunction", "instanceOf"),
+                ("nginx_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "nginx", "ServiceFunction", "instanceOf")
+            ), graph_db, request_id
+        )
+        # check endpoint nodes response time property
+        for endpoint, response_time in (("minio_1_ep1", 9), ("nginx_1_ep1", 18.2), ("nginx_1_ep2", 22.2)):
+            endpoint_node = graph_db.nodes.match("Endpoint", name=endpoint, uuid=request_id).first()
+            assert endpoint_node["response_time"] == response_time, "Wrong response time property of endpoint node"
+        # send a new request for a new service function chain
+        service_functions = dict(minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)"},
+                                 apache={"measurement_name": "apache", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"})
+        build_json_body = dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="test_sfc2_1", service_functions=service_functions)
+        body = dumps(build_json_body)
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = from_timestamp
+        request.params["to"] = to_timestamp
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        response = GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        graph_subresponse = response.pop("graph")
+        assert response == build_json_body, "Response must contain the request body"
+        assert graph_subresponse.get("uuid") is not None, "Request UUID must be attached to the response."
+        request_id = graph_subresponse["uuid"]
+        graph_2_id = request_id
+        assert graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunction", name="apache").first() is not None, "Service function apache must have been added to the graph"
+        for sf_i in ("apache_1", "minio_2"):
+            assert graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunctionInstance", name=sf_i).first() is not None, "Service function instance {0} must have been added to the graph".format(sf_i)
+        for ep in ("minio_2_ep1", "apache_1_ep1"):
+            assert graph_db.nodes.match("Endpoint", name=ep, uuid=request_id).first() is not None, "Endpoint {0} must have been added to the graph".format(ep)
+        # check the appropriate edges have been created
+        self.check_exist_relationship(
+            (
+                ("minio_2_ep1", "Endpoint", "DC5", "ComputeNode", "hostedBy"),
+                ("apache_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "DC5", "ComputeNode", "hostedBy"),
+                ("minio_2", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "minio_2_ep1", "Endpoint", "realisedBy"),
+                ("apache_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "apache_1_ep1", "Endpoint", "realisedBy"),
+                ("minio_2", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "minio", "ServiceFunction", "instanceOf"),
+                ("apache_1", "ServiceFunctionInstance", "apache", "ServiceFunction", "instanceOf")
+            ), graph_db, request_id
+        )
+        # check endpoint nodes response time property
+        for endpoint, response_time in (("minio_2_ep1", 7), ("apache_1_ep1", 17.6)):
+            endpoint_node = graph_db.nodes.match("Endpoint", name=endpoint, uuid=request_id).first()
+            assert endpoint_node["response_time"] == response_time, "Wrong response time property of endpoint node"
+    def test_delete(self, db_testing_data):
+        """
+        Tests the delete API endpoint of the Graph API
+        :param db_testing_data: pair of time stamps - the from-to range of the generated influx test data, test database name and the graph db client
+        """
+        global graph_1_id, graph_2_id
+        from_timestamp, to_timestamp, test_db_name, graph_db = db_testing_data
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = "invalid_graph_id"
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).delete_temporal_graph()
+        except HTTPNotFound:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Not Found error must be raised in case of unrecognized subgraph ID"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = graph_1_id
+        response = GraphAPI(request).delete_temporal_graph()
+        assert response == {"uuid": graph_1_id, "deleted": 3}, "Incorrect response when deleting temporal graph"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = graph_2_id
+        response = GraphAPI(request).delete_temporal_graph()
+        assert response == {"uuid": graph_2_id, "deleted": 2}, "Incorrect response when deleting temporal graph"
+        assert len(graph_db.nodes.match("Endpoint")) == 0, "All endpoint nodes should have been deleted"
+        assert set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ComputeNode")]) == set(["DC" + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)]), "Compute nodes must not be deleted"
+        assert set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunctionInstance")]) == {"nginx_1", "apache_1", "minio_1", "minio_2"}, "Service function instances must not be deleted."
+        assert set([node["name"] for node in graph_db.nodes.match("ServiceFunction")]) == {"nginx", "minio", "apache"}, "Service functions must not be deleted"
+    def test_rtt(self, db_testing_data):
+        """
+        Tests the rtt API endpoint of the Graph API
+        :param db_testing_data: pair of time stamps - the from-to range of the generated influx test data, test database name and the graph db client
+        """
+        from_timestamp, to_timestamp, test_db_name, graph_db = db_testing_data
+        service_functions = dict(nginx={"measurement_name": "nginx", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"},
+                                 minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)"})
+        build_json_body = dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="test_sfc1_1", service_functions=service_functions)
+        body = dumps(build_json_body)
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = from_timestamp
+        request.params["to"] = to_timestamp
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        response = GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        graph_subresponse = response.pop("graph")
+        assert response == build_json_body, "Response must contain the request body"
+        assert graph_subresponse.get("uuid") is not None, "Request UUID must be attached to the response."
+        request_id = graph_subresponse["uuid"]
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Bad Request must be thrown in case of missing or invalid url parameters"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+        request.params["endpoint"] = "nginx_1_ep1"
+        request.params["compute"] = "DC1"
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Bad Request must be thrown in case of missing or invalid url parameters"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+        request.params["endpoint"] = "nginx_1_ep1"
+        request.params["compute_node"] = "DC0"
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+        except HTTPNotFound:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Not Found error must be thrown for non existing compute node"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = "random-uuid"
+        request.params["endpoint"] = "nginx_1_ep1"
+        request.params["compute_node"] = "DC0"
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+        except HTTPNotFound:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Not Found error must be thrown for an endpoint node with incorrect request ID"
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+        request.params["endpoint"] = "apache_1_ep1"
+        request.params["compute_node"] = "DC1"
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+        except HTTPNotFound:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "HTTP Not Found error must be thrown for a non existing endpoint"
+        for dc, endpoint, forward_latencies, reverse_latencies, response_time in (
+            ("DC6", "nginx_1_ep2", [], [], 22.2),
+            ("DC2", "nginx_1_ep2", [22, 30, 9], [11, 26, 15], 22.2),
+            ("DC3", "nginx_1_ep1", [25], [15], 18.2)
+        ):
+            request = testing.DummyRequest()
+            request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+            request.params["endpoint"] = endpoint
+            request.params["compute_node"] = dc
+            response = GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+            assert response == {"forward_latencies": forward_latencies, "reverse_latencies": reverse_latencies, "response_time": response_time}, "Incorrect RTT response"
+        # send a new request for a new service function chain
+        service_functions = dict(minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)"},
+                                 apache={"measurement_name": "apache", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)"})
+        build_json_body = dict(database=test_db_name, retention_policy="autogen", service_function_chain_instance="test_sfc2_1", service_functions=service_functions)
+        body = dumps(build_json_body)
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.params["from"] = from_timestamp
+        request.params["to"] = to_timestamp
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        response = GraphAPI(request).build_temporal_graph()
+        graph_subresponse = response.pop("graph")
+        assert response == build_json_body, "Response must contain the request body"
+        assert graph_subresponse.get("uuid") is not None, "Request UUID must be attached to the response."
+        request_id = graph_subresponse["uuid"]
+        for dc, endpoint, forward_latencies, reverse_latencies, response_time in (
+            ("DC5", "apache_1_ep1", [], [], 17.6),
+            ("DC5", "minio_2_ep1", [], [], 7),
+            ("DC3", "apache_1_ep1", [20, 30], [26, 18], 17.6),
+            ("DC2", "minio_2_ep1", [22, 30], [26, 15], 7)
+        ):
+            request = testing.DummyRequest()
+            request.matchdict["graph_id"] = request_id
+            request.params["endpoint"] = endpoint
+            request.params["compute_node"] = dc
+            response = GraphAPI(request).run_rtt_query()
+            assert response == {"forward_latencies": forward_latencies, "reverse_latencies": reverse_latencies, "response_time": response_time}, "Incorrect RTT response"
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_exist_relationship(relationships_tuple, graph, uuid):
+        for relationship in relationships_tuple:
+            from_node_name, from_node_type, to_node_name, to_node_type, relationship_type = relationship
+            if from_node_type == "Endpoint":
+                from_node = graph.nodes.match(from_node_type, name=from_node_name, uuid=uuid).first()
+            else:
+                from_node = graph.nodes.match(from_node_type, name=from_node_name).first()
+            assert from_node is not None
+            if to_node_type == "Endpoint":
+                to_node = graph.nodes.match(to_node_type, name=to_node_name, uuid=uuid).first()
+            else:
+                to_node = graph.nodes.match(to_node_type, name=to_node_name).first()
+            assert to_node is not None
+            assert graph.relationships.match(nodes=(from_node, to_node), r_type=relationship_type).first() is not None, "Graph is missing a required relationship"
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
index 766a831..c4ef5ed 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 //      Created for Project :   FLAME
-from itertools import permutations
 from json import loads
 from py2neo import Node, Relationship
 import logging
@@ -71,6 +70,8 @@ def validate_json_queries_body(body):
     assert GRAPH_BUILD_QUERY_PARAMS == set(body.keys()), "Invalid JSON query document."
+    assert type(body["service_functions"]) == dict, "The service function description should be represented with a dictionary."
     for sf in body["service_functions"]:
         query_data = body["service_functions"][sf]
         assert type(query_data) == dict, "Each service function must be associated with a respective JSON object."
@@ -231,25 +232,6 @@ def build_temporal_graph(request_id, from_timestamp, to_timestamp, json_queries,
             compute_nodes.add(compute_node)  # add the compute node to the set of compute nodes
-"Building network links from the ping telegraf plugin in influx")
-    # retrieve all network latencies available from the influx ping table
-    for network_link in permutations(compute_nodes, 2):
-        from_node, to_node = network_link
-        # query = 'SELECT mean(*) FROM "CLMCMetrics"."autogen"."ping" WHERE host=\'{0}\' and url=\'{1}\' and time>={2} and time<{3}'.format(from_node['name'], to_node['name'], from_timestamp, to_timestamp)
-        # In future when latencies are reported continuously, we should put timestamp filtering in the query for network links
-        query = 'SELECT mean(*) FROM "CLMCMetrics"."autogen"."ping" WHERE host=\'{0}\' and url=\'{1}\''.format(from_node['name'], to_node['name'])
-"Executing query: {0}".format(query))
-        result = influx_client.query(query)  # execute the query
-        # get the dictionary of result points; the next() function just gets the first element of the query results generator (we only expect one item in the generator)
-        try:
-            actual_result = next(result.get_points())
-            latency = actual_result.get("mean_average_response_ms")
-            find_or_create_edge(graph, "linkedTo", from_node, to_node, latency=latency)
-        except StopIteration:
-            # in this case there is no such link reported to Influx
-  "There is no direct link between {0} and {1}".format(from_node, to_node))
-"Finished building graph for service function chain {0} from database {1} with retention policy {2}".format(sfc_i, db, rp))