diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
index 0b07a87ff40dc7c738f0008cf135560e5327df1f..48512ab4f8eddcd6289c3f7f225737cc10f69ed6 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from json import dumps, loads
 from signal import SIGKILL
-from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, MagicMock, PropertyMock
+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, PropertyMock
 import pytest
 from pyramid import testing
 from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotFound, HTTPInternalServerError
@@ -518,18 +518,16 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
             error_raised = True
         assert error_raised, error_msg
-    @patch('clmcservice.graphapi.views.load')
-    @patch('clmcservice.graphapi.views.open')
+    @patch('clmcservice.graphapi.views.Graph')
-    def test_execute_graph_pipeline(self, uuid_mock, popen_mock, fileopen_mock, jsonload_mock):
+    def test_execute_graph_pipeline(self, uuid_mock, popen_mock, graph_mock):
         Tests the functionality to start a pipeline script executing the graph API workflow - build, query, delete.
         :param uuid_mock: mock object for the uuid generator function
         :param popen_mock: mock object for the process creation function
-        :param fileopen_mock: mock object the mimic the behaviour of opening a file
-        :param jsonload_mock: mock object to mimic the behaviour of the JSON load function
+        :param graph_mock: mock object for the graph DB client
         # mock the behaviour of the uuid4 function
@@ -543,12 +541,11 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
         type(popen_intance_mock).returncode = returncode_property_mock  # a property mock cannot be attached directly to the mock object, hence use its type object
         popen_mock.return_value = popen_intance_mock
-        # mock the behaviur of the open() and load() function
-        fileopen_mock.return_value = MagicMock()  # a magic mock is needed so that the dunder methods __enter__ and __exit__ are generated
-        ues_dict = {"": "ue1", "": "ue2", "": "ue3"}
-        jsonload_mock.return_value = ues_dict
+        # mock the behaviour of the graph nodes match function
+        nodes_matcher_mock = Mock(return_value=[{"name": "ue1"}, {"name": "ue2"}, {"name": "ue3"}])  # the API method expects node objects with 'name' key (node['name'])
+        graph_mock.return_value.nodes.match = nodes_matcher_mock
-        # check proper behaviour
+        # check proper behaviour of the API endpoint
         service_functions = dict(nginx={"measurement_name": "nginx", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)",
                                         "request_size_field": "mean(avg_request_size)", "response_size_field": "mean(avg_response_size)"},
                                  minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)",
@@ -562,14 +559,19 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
         response = GraphAPI(request).execute_graph_pipeline()
         assert response == {"uuid": uuid_mock.return_value, "database": "test_sfc"}
-        monitor_json_body["ues"] = list(ues_dict.values())
+        # the API endpoint should have done this - appending the list of UEs to the JSON config of the pipeline script
+        monitor_json_body["ues"] = [node["name"] for node in nodes_matcher_mock.return_value]
         # assert that the graph pipeline script is ran with the JSON config that was received in the request along with the UEs
-        actual_call_arguments = popen_mock.call_args[0][0]  # we expect exactly one call to Popen() with one argument which is a list
-        assert actual_call_arguments[0] == "graph-pipeline.sh", "Incorrect graph pipeline script name"
-        assert loads(actual_call_arguments[1]) == monitor_json_body, "Incorrect JSON configuration passed to pipeline script"
+        # we expect one call to the Popen() mock (first 0 index), we take the proper arguments, not kwargs (second 0 index)
+        actual_call_arguments = popen_mock.call_args_list[0][0]
+        # expecting one argument which is a list
+        assert len(actual_call_arguments) == 1 and type(actual_call_arguments[0]) == list, "Incorrect call to Popen"
+        assert actual_call_arguments[0][0] == "graph-pipeline.sh", "Incorrect graph pipeline script name"
+        assert loads(actual_call_arguments[0][1]) == monitor_json_body, "Incorrect JSON configuration passed to pipeline script"
         pid_property_mock.assert_called_once_with()  # assert that the process ID attribute was called and saved
         returncode_property_mock.assert_called_once_with()  # assert that the process return code attribute was called to check if the process has started successfully
+        nodes_matcher_mock.assert_called_once_with("UserEquipment")  # assert that the graph nodes match function has been called with "UserEquipment" as argument
         # check that the process ID was saved
         assert MonitoringProcess.exists(uuid_mock.return_value), "Request identifier was not saved during the request processing"
@@ -586,12 +588,29 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
             error_raised = True
         assert error_raised, "Expecting a 500 HTTP error if the process terminated immediately after it was started"
-        # assert that the graph pipeline script is ran with the JSON config that was received in the request along with the UEs
-        actual_call_arguments = popen_mock.call_args[0][0]  # we expect exactly one call to Popen() with one argument which is a list
-        assert actual_call_arguments[0] == "graph-pipeline.sh", "Incorrect graph pipeline script name"
-        assert loads(actual_call_arguments[1]) == monitor_json_body, "Incorrect JSON configuration passed to pipeline script"
+        # assert that the graph pipeline script was still started with the JSON config that was received in the request along with the UEs
+        # we expect a second call to the Popen() mock (index 1), we take the proper arguments, not kwargs (first 0 index)
+        actual_call_arguments = popen_mock.call_args_list[1][0]
+        # expecting one argument which is a list
+        assert len(actual_call_arguments) == 1 and type(actual_call_arguments[0]) == list, "Incorrect call to Popen"
+        assert actual_call_arguments[0][0] == "graph-pipeline.sh", "Incorrect graph pipeline script name"
+        assert loads(actual_call_arguments[0][1]) == monitor_json_body, "Incorrect JSON configuration passed to pipeline script"
         pid_property_mock.assert_called_with()  # assert that the process ID attribute was called and saved
         returncode_property_mock.assert_called_with()  # assert that the process return code attribute was called to check if the process has started successfully
+        nodes_matcher_mock.assert_called_with("UserEquipment")  # assert that the graph nodes match function has been called with "UserEquipment" as argument
+        # check erroneous behaviour - no UE nodes are found, expecting bad request
+        nodes_matcher_mock.return_value = []
+        request = testing.DummyRequest()
+        request.body = body.encode(request.charset)
+        error_raised = False
+        try:
+            GraphAPI(request).execute_graph_pipeline()
+        except HTTPBadRequest:
+            error_raised = True
+        assert error_raised, "Expecting a 400 HTTP Bad Request error if no UE nodes were found (network topology not built)."
+        assert len(popen_mock.call_args_list) == 2, "No subprocess should be started if the UE nodes list is empty (network topology not built)"
+        nodes_matcher_mock.assert_called_with("UserEquipment")  # assert that the graph nodes match function has been called with "UserEquipment" as argument
     def test_stop_graph_pipeline(self, mock_kill):
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/utilities.py b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/utilities.py
index 10b0a311c89e761d0abaa03059d5af9a98ded710..b8e736dd6e5eec3b08fbe2baceb7048aa16b27ab 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/utilities.py
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/utilities.py
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def find_or_create_node(graph, node_type, return_created=False, **properties):
     This function checks if a node of the given type with the given properties exists, and if not - creates it.
-    :param graph: the graph object
+    :param graph: the graph DB object
     :param node_type: the type of the node to find or create
     :param return_created: if True the result will contain both the node and a boolean flag if the node was created now
     :param properties: the properties of the node to find or create
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def find_or_create_edge(graph, edge_type, from_node, to_node, **properties):
     This function checks if an edge of the given type with the given properties exists, and if not - creates it.
-    :param graph: the graph object
+    :param graph: the graph DB object
     :param edge_type: the type of the edge to find or create
     :param from_node: the source of the edge
     :param to_node: the target of the edge
@@ -211,6 +211,28 @@ def find_or_create_edge(graph, edge_type, from_node, to_node, **properties):
     return edge
+def delete_nodes_with_type(graph, node_type):
+    """
+    This function deletes all nodes of a given type from the graph.
+    :param graph: the graph DB object
+    :param node_type: the type of the nodes to delete, e.g. Switch
+    :return: the number of deleted nodes
+    """
+    log.info("Deleting {0} nodes.".format(node_type))
+    subgraph = graph.nodes.match(node_type)
+    deleted_nodes = len(subgraph)
+    for node in subgraph:
+        graph.delete(node)
+    log.info("Deleted {0} {1} nodes.".format(deleted_nodes, node_type))
+    return deleted_nodes
 def build_temporal_subgraph(request_id, from_timestamp, to_timestamp, json_queries, graph, influx_client):
     A function used to generate a temporal graph in the neo4j db.
@@ -232,7 +254,7 @@ def build_temporal_subgraph(request_id, from_timestamp, to_timestamp, json_queri
     db = sfc
     rp = "autogen"
-    log.info("Building graph for service function chain {0}/{1} from database {2} with retention policy {3}".format(sfc, sfci, db, rp))
+    log.info("Building graph for service function chain {0}/{1} from database {2} with retention policy {3} and request ID {4}".format(sfc, sfci, db, rp, request_id))
     # create a UUID reference node
     reference_node = Node("Reference", **{"uuid": request_id, "sfc": sfc, "sfci": sfci, "from": from_timestamp, "to": to_timestamp})
@@ -408,38 +430,15 @@ def create_node_from_mapping(graph, node, node_ip, mapping, new_node_type):
 def delete_network_graph(graph):
-    A function used to delete all nodes of type Switch and Cluster in the neo4j graph.
+    A function used to delete all nodes of type Switch, Cluster and UserEquipment in the neo4j graph.
     :param graph: the neo4j graph
-    :return: the number of deleted switches and clusters
+    :return: the number of deleted switches, clusters and UEs
-    log.info("Deleting Switch nodes.".format())
-    subgraph = graph.nodes.match("Switch")
-    deleted_switches = len(subgraph)
-    for node in subgraph:
-        graph.delete(node)
-    log.info("Deleted {0} Switch nodes.".format(deleted_switches))
-    log.info("Deleting Cluster nodes.")
-    subgraph = graph.nodes.match("Cluster")
-    deleted_clusters = len(subgraph)
-    for node in subgraph:
-        graph.delete(node)
-    log.info("Deleted {0} Cluster nodes.".format(deleted_clusters))
-    log.info("Deleting UserEquipment nodes.")
-    subgraph = graph.nodes.match("UserEquipment")
-    deleted_ues = len(subgraph)
-    for node in subgraph:
-        graph.delete(node)
-    log.info("Deleted {0} UserEquipment nodes.".format(deleted_clusters))
+    deleted_switches = delete_nodes_with_type(graph, "Switch")
+    deleted_clusters = delete_nodes_with_type(graph, "Cluster")
+    deleted_ues = delete_nodes_with_type(graph, "UserEquipment")
     return deleted_switches, deleted_clusters, deleted_ues
diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
index 582b731fee4cfbf215f0386a688cc470f34641d9..8aff5faf612a924f1e643159082692ae1f48fe26 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
@@ -263,78 +263,28 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         sdn_controller_ip = self.request.registry.settings['sdn_controller_ip']
         sdn_controller_port = self.request.registry.settings['sdn_controller_port']
-        # retrieve all switches - if SDN controller is unavailable on the given IP address return 503 Service Unavailable
-        try:
-            url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/core/controller/switches/json")
-            response = get(url)
-        except exceptions.ConnectionError:
-            msg = "The SDN controller is not available on IP {0} and port {1}.".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port)
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable("The SDN controller couldn't be reached when trying to build the network topology.")
-        # check if the SDN controller returned the expected response
-        if response.status_code != 200:
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response with status code different than 200."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a successful response when querying for the list of switches.")
-        try:
-            content = response.json()
-        except ValueError:  # response not in JSON
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response which couldn't be converted to JSON."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a valid JSON response when querying for the list of switches.")
+        # retrieve all switches
+        url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/core/controller/switches/json")
+        log.info("Fetching the list of switches from the SDN controller - {0}".format(url))
+        switches_json_response = self.get_sdn_controller_response(url)
         # map the DPID of each switch to its IP address
         switches = {}
-        for switch in content:
+        for switch in switches_json_response:
             # map the dpid to the switch IP address, the IP address is in the format '/'
             switches[switch["switchDPID"]] = switch["inetAddress"][1:].split(":")[0]
-        # retrieve all external links (gathered through BDDP) - if SDN controller is unavailable on the given IP address return 503 Service Unavailable
-        try:
-            url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/topology/external-links/json")
-            response = get(url)
-        except exceptions.ConnectionError:
-            msg = "The SDN controller is not available on IP {0} and port {1}.".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port)
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable("The SDN controller couldn't be reached when trying to build the network topology.")
-        # check if the SDN controller returned the expected response
-        if response.status_code != 200:
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response with status code different than 200."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a successful response when querying for the network topology.")
-        try:
-            external_links = response.json()
-        except ValueError:  # response not in JSON
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response which couldn't be converted to JSON."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a valid JSON response when querying for the network topology.")
+        # retrieve all external links (gathered through BDDP)
+        url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/topology/external-links/json")
+        log.info("Fetching all external links from the SDN controller - {0}".format(url))
+        external_links = self.get_sdn_controller_response(url)
-        # retrieve all local links (gathered through LLDP) - if SDN controller is unavailable on the given IP address return 503 Service Unavailable
-        try:
-            url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/topology/links/json")
-            response = get(url)
-        except exceptions.ConnectionError:
-            msg = "The SDN controller is not available on IP {0} and port {1}.".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port)
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable("The SDN controller couldn't be reached when trying to build the network topology.")
-        if response.status_code != 200:
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response with status code different than 200."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a successful response when querying for the network topology.")
-        try:
-            local_links = response.json()
-        except ValueError:  # response not in JSON
-            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response which couldn't be converted to JSON."
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
-            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a valid JSON response when querying for the network topology.")
+        # retrieve all local links (gathered through LLDP)
+        url = "http://{0}:{1}{2}".format(sdn_controller_ip, sdn_controller_port, "/wm/topology/links/json")
+        log.info("Fetching all local links from the SDN controller - {0}".format(url))
+        local_links = self.get_sdn_controller_response(url)
-        # TODO this is a temporary solution - currently the service router to clusters mapping is read from a file (which must be manually prepared beforehand)
+        # TODO this is a temporary solution - currently the service router to cluster mapping is read from a file (which must be manually prepared beforehand)
         clusters_file = self.request.registry.settings["network_clusters_path"]
             with open(clusters_file) as fh:
@@ -344,7 +294,7 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
             log.error("No service-router-to-cluster mapping was found while building the network topology.")
             clusters = {}
-        # TODO this is a temporary solution - currently the service router to ues mapping is read from a file (which must be manually prepared beforehand)
+        # TODO this is a temporary solution - currently the service router to ue mapping is read from a file (which must be manually prepared beforehand)
         ues_file = self.request.registry.settings["network_ues_path"]
             with open(ues_file) as fh:
@@ -363,6 +313,43 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         return {"new_switches_count": switch_count, "new_clusters_count": clusters_count, "new_ues_count": ues_count}
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_sdn_controller_response(url):
+        """
+        Send a GET request to the SDN controller and validate the response - expecting a JSON response (currently only applicable for Floodlight)
+        :param url: the full url - SDN controller IP and port + API endpoint path
+        :return: the response in JSON
+        :raises HTTPServiceUnavailable: if the SDN controller couldn't be reached on the given IP and port
+        :raises HTTPNotImplemented: if the SDN controller returned status code different than 200 or the response couldn't be converted to JSON
+        """
+        # try getting any response from the controller
+        try:
+            response = get(url)
+        except exceptions.ConnectionError:
+            msg = "The SDN controller is not available - request was sent to {0}.".format(url)
+            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
+            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable("The SDN controller couldn't be reached when trying to build the network topology.")
+        # check if the SDN controller returned the expected response
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response with status code different than 200 - request was sent to {0}.".format(url)
+            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
+            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a successful response status code.")
+        # check if the SDN controller returned a JSON response
+        try:
+            response_json = response.json()
+        except ValueError:  # response not in JSON
+            msg = "The SDN controller returned a response which couldn't be converted to JSON - request was sent to {0}.".format(url)
+            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(msg))
+            raise HTTPNotImplemented("The SDN controller failed to return a valid JSON response.")
+        return response_json
     @view_config(route_name='graph_network_topology', request_method='DELETE')
     def delete_network_topology(self):
@@ -393,32 +380,31 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         influx_client = InfluxDBClient(host=self.request.registry.settings['influx_host'], port=self.request.registry.settings['influx_port'], timeout=10)
-        database_name = json_queries["service_function_chain"]
+        sfc = json_queries["service_function_chain"]
+        database_name = json_queries["service_function_chain"]  # currently DB is named after the SFC
         if database_name not in [db["name"] for db in influx_client.get_list_database()]:
             raise HTTPBadRequest("Database for service function chain {0} not found.".format(database_name))
-        request_uuid = str(uuid4())
-        sfc = json_queries["service_function_chain"]
-        # get the list of ues
-        ues_file = self.request.registry.settings["network_ues_path"]
-        try:
-            with open(ues_file) as fh:
-                ues = load(fh)
-        except Exception as e:
-            log.error("Unexpected error: {0}".format(e))
-            log.error("No service-router-to-ue mapping was found while building the network topology.")
-            ues = {}
-        ues_list = list(ues.values())
+        # get the list of UEs from the Neo4j graph - if no UEs are found, the network topology has not been built yet, so return bad request
+        graph = Graph(host=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_host'], password=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_password'])
+        ue_nodes = graph.nodes.match("UserEquipment")
+        ues_list = [ue_node["name"] for ue_node in ue_nodes]
+        # return bad request for empty list of UEs
+        if len(ues_list) == 0:
+            raise HTTPBadRequest("Graph pipeline process for SFC {0} cannot be started - no UserEquipment nodes found, the graph network topology has not been built.".format(sfc))
+        # add the list of UEs to the JSON configuration passed to the pipeline script
         json_queries["ues"] = ues_list
+        # start a graph pipeline subprocess
         process = Popen(["graph-pipeline.sh", dumps(json_queries)])
         process_pid = process.pid
         process_return_code = process.returncode
+        # check if for some reason the process returned immediately (could be if the graph-pipeline script is not found
         if process_return_code is None:  # process has started running
-            log.info("Started a graph pipeline process for SFC {0} with PID {1}".format(sfc, process_pid))
+            request_uuid = str(uuid4())  # generate a request UUID used to map to the process ID of the graph pipeline
+            log.info("Started a graph pipeline process for SFC {0} with PID {1} and request UUID {2}".format(sfc, process_pid, request_uuid))
             MonitoringProcess.add({"request_id": request_uuid, "process_id": process_pid})