diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
index 4226f7beba0b0db119b68015f6f1ff322deb9185..7c2ecc950614f8f8475bdb479f43d52b4d54b03f 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/views.py
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         An API endpoint to build a temporal graph and store it in neo4j based on the posted JSON query document.
         :raises HTTPBadRequest: if request body is not a valid JSON with the queries per service function
-        :return: A JSON document containing the posted request body, along with meta data about the built graph (time range and uuid, which can then be reused for other API calls)
+        :return: A JSON document containing metadata about the built graph (time range and uuid, which can then be reused for other API calls)
@@ -91,7 +92,8 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         An API endpoint to delete a temporal graph associated with a uuid generated by the CLMC service.
-        :return: A JSON document containing the UUID of the deleted subgraph
+        :return: A JSON document containing the number of deleted nodes.
         :raises HTTPNotFound: if the request is not associated with any subgraph
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         An API endpoint to run the round trip time cypher query over the graph associated with a given request ID.
         :return: A JSON response with a list of forward latencies, reverse latencies and SF endpoint response time.
         :raises HTTPBadRequest: if the request URL doesn't contain the required URL query parameters
         :raises HTTPNotFound: if the request is not associated with any subgraph or the compute node / endpoint node doesn't exist
@@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         An API endpoint to build/update the network topology in the neo4j graph.
-        :return: A JSON response with the number of switches and clusters that were built.
+        :return: A JSON response with the number of switches, clusters and ues that were built.
         graph = Graph(host=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_host'], password=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_password'])  # connect to the neo4j graph db
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         An API endpoint to delete the network topology in the neo4j graph.
-        :return: A JSON response with the number of switches and clusters that were deleted.
+        :return: A JSON response with the number of switches, clusters and ues that were deleted.
         graph = Graph(host=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_host'], password=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_password'])  # connect to the neo4j graph db
@@ -337,6 +340,11 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
     @view_config(route_name='graph_execute_pipeline', request_method='POST')
     def execute_graph_pipeline(self):
+        """
+        An API endpoint to execute the graph pipeline script as a background process.
+        :return: A JSON response with the database name and request's uuid.
+        """
             body = self.request.body.decode(self.request.charset)
@@ -344,11 +352,14 @@ class GraphAPI(object):
         except AssertionError as e:
             raise HTTPBadRequest("Bad request content: {0}".format(e.args))
-        graph = Graph(host=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_host'], password=self.request.registry.settings['neo4j_password'])
         influx_client = InfluxDBClient(host=self.request.registry.settings['influx_host'], port=self.request.registry.settings['influx_port'], timeout=10)
         database_name = json_queries["service_function_chain"]
         if database_name not in [db["name"] for db in influx_client.get_list_database()]:
             raise HTTPBadRequest("Database for service function chain {0} not found.".format(database_name))
-        return json_queries
+        request_uuid = str(uuid4())
+        # TODO start a background process running the pipeline script
+        return {"database": database_name, "uuid": request_uuid}