diff --git a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
index 0aa112252de3cb6f51fec039d7e6449f0b13e04b..f96a8d029d2f047d49e2a7a3a3b25e569049b098 100644
--- a/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
+++ b/src/service/clmcservice/graphapi/tests.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 from json import dumps
 import pytest
-from unittest.mock import patch
+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
 from pyramid import testing
 from clmcservice.graphapi.views import GraphAPI
 from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotFound
@@ -495,13 +495,21 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
             error_raised = True
         assert error_raised, error_msg
+    @patch('clmcservice.graphapi.views.Popen')
-    def test_execute_pipeline_graph(self, uuid_mock):
+    def test_execute_pipeline_graph(self, uuid_mock, popen_mock):
         Tests the functionality to start a pipeline script executing the graph API workflow - build, query, delete
+        # mock the behaviour of the uuid function
         uuid_mock.return_value = "monitor_test_uuid1"
+        # mock the behaviour of the Popen class
+        popen_intance_mock = Mock()
+        popen_intance_mock.pid = Mock(return_value=111)
+        popen_mock.return_value = popen_intance_mock
         service_functions = dict(nginx={"measurement_name": "nginx", "response_time_field": "mean(avg_processing_time)",
                                         "request_size_field": "mean(avg_request_size)", "response_size_field": "mean(avg_response_size)"},
                                  minio={"measurement_name": "minio_http", "response_time_field": "mean(total_processing_time)/mean(total_requests_count)",
@@ -515,7 +523,8 @@ class TestGraphAPI(object):
         response = GraphAPI(request).execute_graph_pipeline()
         assert response == {"uuid": uuid_mock.return_value, "database": "test_sfc"}
-        assert False, "Implement tests for checking that an actual process is started."
+        popen_mock.assert_called_with("graph_pipeline.sh", body)  # assert that the graph pipeline script is ran with the JSON config that was received in the request
+        popen_intance_mock.pid.assert_called()  # assert that the process ID attribute was called and saved
     def check_exist_relationship(relationships_tuple, graph, uuid):