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GDP Project 4 / 360monodepth
MIT LicenseCode release for 360monodepth. With our framework we achieve monocular depth estimation for high resolution 360° images based on aligning and blending perspective depth maps.
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mhby1g21 / 360monodepth
MIT LicenseCode release for 360monodepth. With our framework we achieve monocular depth estimation for high resolution 360° images based on aligning and blending perspective depth maps.
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Qiyang Sun / MAR24 Aruco Detect C++
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe vision program of the Minimal Autonomous Rover (MAR) project, written in C++
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Qiyang Sun / Meta MAR Fast Boot
MIT LicenseThe Yocto layer of the Minimal Autonomous Rover (MAR) project for fast booting, written in BitBake
Caveat: You are discouraged to use the RHEL virtual machines provided to students by iSolutions. You need at least 200 GiB of free disk space and around half of a day to compile and build the full system. Please allocate more disk space if possible to avoid repartitioning your virtual machine hard disk. You have been warned.
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bjp1g19 / prism-games
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -