diff --git a/woRkflowWorkshop.md b/woRkflowWorkshop.md
index f922cbce9459c89a3916a7268ef73e4be7b007ee..cba9d2d7cf8d8f85778a50494e73e3123baa1c17 100644
--- a/woRkflowWorkshop.md
+++ b/woRkflowWorkshop.md
@@ -20,10 +20,11 @@
  * test /Rmd/make_basicReport.R and see why it doesn't work
  * build the repo as a R package
  * re-test /Rmd/make_basicReport.R to see if it works now
- * work through /Rmd/make_basicReport.R to understand:
+ * work through /Rmd/make_basicReport.R and basicReport.Rmd to understand:
    * what drake is doing and how it helps
    * why data.table is really fast
    * why lubridate is so useful for dates and times
+   * why you use drake to build stuff and Rmd to report it
    * how to get ggplot2 to make pretty plots
  * That's it :-)
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