import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MessageClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private Container content; private JLabel usernameLabel; private JTextField username; private JButton join; private JButton connect; private JTextField chat; private JTextPane messages; private JScrollPane messageBoard; private JTextField messageBar; private JButton send; private boolean openSession; private InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(""); private int listenPort; private Socket socket; public MessageClient() throws Exception{ super("Message client"); //set up window and content pane content = new Container(); this.setContentPane(content); this.setSize(720,720); this.setResizable(false); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); usernameLabel = new JLabel("Username:"); //set up all the GUI components usernameLabel.setSize(100,30); usernameLabel.setLocation(60,10); content.add(usernameLabel); username = new JTextField(); username.setSize(400,30); username.setLocation(135,10); content.add(username); connect = new JButton(); connect.setText("Connect"); connect.setSize(100,30); connect.setLocation(560,10); connect.addActionListener(this); connect.setActionCommand("toggleConnect"); content.add(connect); chat = new JTextField(); chat.setSize(475,30); chat.setLocation(60,50); chat.setEnabled(false); content.add(chat); join = new JButton(); join.setText("Join"); join.setSize(100,30); join.setLocation(560,50); join.addActionListener(this); join.setActionCommand("toggleJoin"); join.setEnabled(false); content.add(join); messages = new JTextPane(); messages.setEditable(false); messageBoard = new JScrollPane(messages); messageBoard.setSize(600,500); messageBoard.setLocation(60, 110); content.add(messageBoard); messageBar = new JTextField(); messageBar.setSize(475,30); messageBar.setLocation(60,625); messageBar.setEnabled(false); content.add(messageBar); send = new JButton(); send.setText("Send"); send.setSize(100,30); send.setLocation(560,625); send.addActionListener(this); send.setActionCommand("send"); send.setEnabled(false); content.add(send); this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ //add code to run on closing @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { //if there is still an active session, send a request to end it to the server if (openSession){ try { String response = sendRequest("close/" + listenPort); System.out.println(response); socket.close(); } catch (Exception ex){ throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } }); openSession = false; //initialise a flag as to whether or not there is an open session listenPort = 1025; //find the first open port boolean free = false; while (!free){ try{ ServerSocket test = new ServerSocket(listenPort); test.close(); free = true; } catch (Exception e){ listenPort++; } } } public String sendRequest(String request) throws Exception{ //method to send a request to the server socket = new Socket(ip, 2001); PrintWriter sender = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream()); sender.println(request); sender.flush(); BufferedReader listener = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); String response = listener.readLine(); socket.close(); return response; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ //code to handle all button presses try { String text = messages.getText(); if (e.getActionCommand().equals("toggleConnect")) { //if it is the connect button if (connect.getText().equals("Connect")) { //if we are currently unconnected if (username.getText().equals("") || username.getText().contains("/")){ //check if the username is invalid, if so inform the user messages.setText(text + "Invalid username\n"); } else { //else, send a request, print the response, enable/disable all relevant buttons and toggle the button to disconnect String response = sendRequest("open/" + listenPort + "/" + username.getText()); messages.setText(text + response + "\n"); chat.setEnabled(true); join.setEnabled(true); username.setEnabled(false); connect.setText("Disconnect"); } } else { //else we are connected, so send a disconnect request, enable/disable all relevant buttons and toggle the button to connect String response = sendRequest("close/" + listenPort); messages.setText(text + response + "\n"); chat.setEnabled(false); join.setEnabled(false); messageBar.setEnabled(false); send.setEnabled(false); username.setEnabled(true); chat.setText(""); messageBar.setText(""); join.setText("Join"); connect.setText("Connect"); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("toggleJoin")) { //same as previous but for joining a chat if (join.getText().equals("Join")) { if (chat.getText().equals("") || chat.getText().equals("NotInAChat") || username.getText().contains("/")){ messages.setText(text + "Invalid chat name\n"); } else { String response = sendRequest("join/" + listenPort + "/" + chat.getText()); messages.setText(text + response + "\n"); messageBar.setEnabled(true); send.setEnabled(true); chat.setEnabled(false); join.setText("Leave"); openSession = true; } } else { String response = sendRequest("leave/" + listenPort); messages.setText(text + response + "\n"); messageBar.setEnabled(false); send.setEnabled(false); chat.setEnabled(true); messageBar.setText(""); join.setText("Join"); openSession = false; } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("send")) { //if it is the send button, check if the message is valid, if so send a request, else inform the user it is invalid if (messageBar.getText().contains("/")) { messages.setText(text + "Message contains banned characters\n"); } else { sendRequest("message/" + listenPort + "/" + messageBar.getText()); } } } catch (Exception ex){ throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public JTextPane getMessages(){ //getter for the message text pane return messages; } public int getListenPort(){ //getter for the listen port number return listenPort; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MessageClient window = new MessageClient(); //open a new window and a server socket o listen for responses ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(window.getListenPort());; while (true){ //continuously listen for the next response, printing it when it comes through Socket socket = listenSocket.accept(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); String message = reader.readLine(); socket.close(); String messages = window.getMessages().getText(); messages += message + "\n"; window.getMessages().setText(messages); } } }