<template> <div> <div v-show="tipsplease" class="nodes welcome"> <img src="https://alpha.nodenogg.in/files/collect.png" /> <p> magpie mode is designed for you to gather your thoughts and research, as quickly and easily as possible. </p> <p> Tap or press the add a new node icon to start <svg class="example" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50" viewBox="0 0 143 106" > <g transform="translate(-1345 -843)"> <g class="a" transform="translate(1345 865)"> <rect class="d" width="127" height="84" /> <rect class="e" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="126" height="83" /> </g> <g class="b" transform="translate(1361 843)"> <rect class="d" width="127" height="84" /> <rect class="e" x="3.5" y="3.5" width="120" height="77" /> </g> <line class="c" x2="41" transform="translate(1406.5 884.5)" /> <line class="c" y2="41" transform="translate(1426.5 863.5)" /> </g> </svg> (shortcut <strong>n</strong>) </p> <p> You can use <strong ><a href="https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/" >markdown</a 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77.99252319335938 -6.128662109375 72.92156219482422 C -10.16918277740479 67.47402191162109 -12.21789073944092 61.44435501098633 -12.21789073944092 55 C -12.21789073944092 39.30952072143555 -0.1744952797889709 29.4342098236084 9.928650856018066 23.91279411315918 C 13.16560935974121 22.1437931060791 16.71875381469727 20.5400218963623 20.4893798828125 19.14606475830078 C 24.12692070007324 17.80127334594727 27.97865104675293 16.64689826965332 31.93756675720215 15.71498107910156 C 39.58069229125977 13.91579341888428 47.55554580688477 12.96479320526123 55.00000381469727 12.96479320526123 C 62.44902420043945 12.96479320526123 70.44358825683594 13.91604328155518 78.11937713623047 15.71568870544434 C 86.21414947509766 17.61356353759766 93.86746215820312 20.4495849609375 100.2518997192383 23.91716766357422 C 110.4301071166992 29.44523048400879 122.5629806518555 39.32521057128906 122.5629806518555 55 C 122.5629806518555 61.43754196166992 120.4986724853516 67.46379089355469 116.4273986816406 72.911376953125 C 112.6376113891602 77.98233795166016 107.1883773803711 82.50062561035156 100.2310638427734 86.34071350097656 C 93.83364868164062 89.87177276611328 86.18119049072266 92.76396179199219 78.10095977783203 94.70460510253906 C 70.40991973876953 96.55177307128906 62.42173385620117 97.52814483642578 55.00000381469727 97.52814483642578 Z" /> <path class="w" d="M 54.99999618530273 16.46478271484375 C 28.28687286376953 16.46478271484375 -8.717903137207031 29.85636138916016 -8.717903137207031 55.0000114440918 C -8.717903137207031 80.46525573730469 28.28687286376953 94.02813720703125 54.99999618530273 94.02813720703125 C 81.85781860351562 94.02813720703125 119.0629959106445 80.46525573730469 119.0629959106445 55.0000114440918 C 119.0629959106445 29.85636138916016 81.85781860351562 16.46478271484375 54.99999618530273 16.46478271484375 M 54.99999618530273 9.46478271484375 C 85.37564849853516 9.46478271484375 126.0629959106445 24.62433624267578 126.0629959106445 55.0000114440918 C 126.0629959106445 85.37565612792969 85.37564849853516 101.0281372070312 54.99999618530273 101.0281372070312 C 24.62434387207031 101.0281372070312 -15.71790313720703 85.37565612792969 -15.71790313720703 55.0000114440918 C -15.71790313720703 24.62433624267578 24.62434387207031 9.46478271484375 54.99999618530273 9.46478271484375 Z" /> </g> <circle cx="21.5" cy="21.5" r="21.5" transform="translate(1650 898)" /> <line class="y" x1="138" y2="138" transform="translate(1601.5 852.5)" /> </g> </svg> </p> <SvgButton @click="hideTips()" /> </div> <div v-show="!tipsplease"></div> </div> </template> <script> import marked from 'marked' import { mapState } from 'vuex' import SvgButton from '@/components/SvgButton' export default { data: function () { return { tipsplease: true, } }, mounted() { // this.tipsplease = this.hidetipsstate }, filters: { marked: marked, }, computed: mapState({ hidetipsstate: (state) => state.hidetipsstate, }), methods: { hideTips() { this.tipsplease = false // this.hidetipsstate = false }, }, components: { SvgButton, }, } </script> <style lang="css" scoped> img { max-width: 400px; padding: 0 50; } .welcome { /* max-width: 450px; */ width: 95%; margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 0.5em; background-color: #6fcf97; border: 2px solid black; padding: 1em; } .vdr { padding: 0 0.5em; } .example { width: 30px; } .icon { margin-left: 1em; padding: 0.5em; cursor: pointer; } .a { fill: #333; stroke: #707070; } .b { fill: #fff; stroke: #333; } .b, .c { stroke-width: 7px; } .c, .e { fill: none; } .c { stroke: #2d9cdb; } .d { stroke: none; } .z { fill: #fff; } .y { fill: none; stroke: #2d9cdb; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-width: 14px; } .x, .w { stroke: none; } .btn-row { margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 0px 0px 15px 10px; border-radius: 4px; } </style>