<template> <div class="list"> <ul v-for="value in myNodes" v-bind:key="value.node_id"> <li class="dataeach" v-if="nodeid == value.node_id" :inner-html.prop="value.node_text | marked" ></li> </ul> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState } from 'vuex' import marked from 'marked' export default { name: 'ListLayer', props: { nodeid: String, nodetext: String }, computed: mapState({ myNodes: state => state.myNodes, otherNodes: state => state.otherNodes }), filters: { // need to write a reverse data filter I suspect here so new data is at the top of list marked: marked } } </script> <style lang="css" scoped> li { margin-bottom: -15px; } </style>