<template> <div ref="nodes" class="node"> <div v-for="(nodes, index) in $options.myArray" v-bind:key="index"> <div v-for="(value, index) in configPositions" v-bind:key="index"> <draggable class="innernode" v-if="nodes.node_id == value.node_id" :w="value.width" :h="value.height" :x="value.x_pos" :y="value.y_pos" :z="value.z_index" :scale="scale" @activated="onActivated" @dragging="onDrag" @resizing="onResize" @dragstop="onDragstop" @resizestop="onResizestop" :drag-cancel="'.drag-cancel'" style="border: 2px dashed black; background-color: rgb(155, 194, 216)" :min-width="200" :min-height="220" > <form class="nodes"> <template v-if="nodes.read_mode == false"> <textarea @focus="editTrue(true)" @blur="editTrue(false)" autofocus v-model="nodes.node_text" @input="editNode" :id="nodes.node_id" placeholder="Type your thoughts and ideas here! (auto saved every keystroke)" ></textarea> <p class="info">*markdown supported & autosaves</p> </template> <template v-else> <p :id="nodes.node_id" :inner-html.prop="nodes.node_text | marked" ></p> </template> <div class="btn-row"> <SvgButton buttonClass="nodes" @click.prevent="deleteFlag(nodes.node_id)" /> <SvgButton2 buttonClass="nodes" @click.prevent="readFlag(nodes.node_id, nodes.read_mode)" /> </div> <div class="allemoji"> <div class="eachemoji" v-for="(emojis, index) in configEmoji" :key="index" > <template v-if="emojis.node_id == nodes.node_id">{{ emojis.emoji_text }}</template> </div> </div> </form> </draggable> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState } from 'vuex' import marked from 'marked' import SvgButton from '@/components/SvgButton' import SvgButton2 from '@/components/SvgButton2' import draggable from '@/experimental/Draggable' var readmode export default { name: 'NodesLayer', props: { nodeid: String, nodetext: String, nodewidth: Number, nodeheight: Number, deleted: Boolean, }, data() { return { pickupz: 1, localreadmode: false, mode: '', // firstload: true, } }, filters: { marked: marked, }, // FIXME: how do we know how to focus on the newest node ? // FIXME: Tab between them would also be good // var delay = 100 // var input // mounted() { // setTimeout(this.setFocus, delay) // input = this.$refs.nodetext // // console.log(input) // }, // method // setFocus() { // this.$refs.nodetext.focus() // }, computed: { ...mapState({ scale: (state) => state.ui.scale, myNodes: (state) => state.myNodes, configPositions: (state) => state.configPositions, configConnections: (state) => state.configConnections, configEmoji: (state) => state.configEmoji, toolmode: (state) => state.ui.mode, }), nodes_filtered: function () { return this.myNodes.filter((nodes) => { return nodes.deleted == false }) }, }, // this is to stop sync chasing bug myArray: null, created() { //access the custom option using $options this.$options.myArray = this.nodes_filtered }, methods: { onActivated() { var i for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(this.configPositions).length; i++) { if (this.configPositions[i].node_id == this.nodeid) { this.width = this.configPositions[i].width this.height = this.configPositions[i].height } } }, onResize(x, y, width, height) { this.localx = x this.localy = y this.width = width this.height = height }, onResizestop(x, y, width, height, zindex) { var localnodeid = this.nodeid zindex = this.pickupz var i for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(this.configPositions).length; i++) { if (this.configPositions[i].node_id == this.nodeid) { this.width = this.configPositions[i].width this.height = this.configPositions[i].height this.pickupz = this.configPositions[i].z_index } } this.width = width this.height = height this.$store.dispatch('movePos', { localnodeid, x, y, width, height, zindex, }) }, onDrag(x, y) { this.localx = x this.localy = y }, onDragstop(x, y, width, height, zindex) { var localnodeid = this.nodeid zindex = this.pickupz width = this.width height = this.height var i // FIXME: What is this for loop doing ?? for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(this.configPositions).length; i++) { if (this.configPositions[i].node_id == this.nodeid) { this.localx = this.configPositions[i].x_pos this.localy = this.configPositions[i].y_pos this.pickupz = this.configPositions[i].z_index } } this.$store.dispatch('movePos', { localnodeid, x, y, width, height, zindex, }) var j for (j = 0; j < Object.keys(this.configConnections).length; j++) { if (this.configConnections[j].start_id == this.nodeid) { this.$store.dispatch('updateConnect', { localnodeid, x, y, }) } if (this.configConnections[j].end_id == this.nodeid) { this.$store.dispatch('updateConnectTwo', { localnodeid, x, y, }) } } }, editTrue(e) { this.$emit('edit-true', e) // this.firstload = false // // console.log(e) }, editNode(e) { var nodeid = e.target.id var nodetext = e.target.value this.$store.dispatch('editNode', { nodeid, nodetext }) }, deleteFlag(e) { e = this.nodeid if (confirm('Confirm discard?')) { this.$store.dispatch('deleteFlag', { e }) } else { // nothing happens } }, readFlag(e, f) { readmode = f readmode = !readmode this.$store.dispatch('readFlag', { e, readmode }) if (readmode == true) { this.mode = 'Read' } else { this.mode = 'Edit' } }, }, components: { draggable, SvgButton, SvgButton2, }, } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> .node { position: relative; } .vdr { padding: 0 0.5em; } .info { font-size: 0.8em; display: inline; } textarea { width: 100%; height: 175px; resize: none; font-size: 18px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Inter var', Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; margin-top: 0.5em; border: none; outline: none; background-color: rgb(187, 227, 255); scrollbar-color: yellow rgb(187, 227, 255); } .btn-row { position: relative; margin-bottom: 5px; display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; padding: 0 15px; border-radius: 4px; } .allemoji { font-size: 2em; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(0, auto)); /* float: left; */ } .eachemoji p { margin: 0em; } img { width: 100%; } li { font-size: 6em; } /* .dragging { transform: scale(0.7); } */ </style>